V | A Promise

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Lizzie's POV

It had been a few days since Levin- the blonde one- had invited them to make the Phoenix Alliance Island their home. They were happy to take them up on that offer, but Lizzie still wanted to meet her nieces. She had already met her nephews, as it turned out that Levin and Malachi -the brown haired one- were Aphmau's adoptive sons.

"Lizzie?" Aphmau asked.


Lizzie sat up. She had been sunbathing on the beach on the far side of the island.

"You wanted to meet Alina and Lilith, didn't you?"

She nodded.

"Well, I'm going to see them, so if you want to come..."

"I'm ready when you are," She promised, "And so are Willow and Jasper. They're keen to scout out the threat from Shad, as well as whatever is going on in O'Kasis."

"Good, because we're leaving now."

"You have a ship prepped?" She asked in surprise.

"We aren't taking a ship." Aphmau said, a twinkle in her eye.

"Your witch friend is useful." Lizzie smiled.

= = =

Lizzie fetched Willow and Jasper from the water, and together they followed Aphmau to a completely inconspicuous witch's house. Lucinda was waiting by a portal.

"I thought I trip like this would require more backup." Lizzie teased.

"Traveling in smaller groups is better nowadays. Large groups are perceived as threats immediately." Aphmau explained.

"Well that ain't very smart." Lizzie smirked.

"No, it really isn't." Lucinda agreed.

"Did we just agree on something?" Lizzie made an over exaggerated shocked face.

Lucinda rolled her eyes.

"Can we just go through? I tweaked the portal so we end up by O'Kasis instead of Phoenix Drop."

"Ready guys?" Aphmau asked.

They all nodded collectively.

"Then let's go."

One by one, they walked through the glittering purple.

= = =

It had changed a lot since Lizzie had last been there. O'Kasis was a lot bigger, but the surrounding forests were overgrown.

"Where do we go now?" Jasper asked once everyone was there.

"We head to the main road, then you two enter O'Kasis and pick up whatever information you can. Me, Lucinda and Lizzie will continue until we reach Hyria's cottage."

"Hyria?" Lizzie said in surprise, "I haven't heard that name in a while."

"You know her?" Lucinda wondered.

"Vaguely. From my sister. How do you know her?"

"She's my mother." Lucinda muttered.

"Oh. What happened?"

"It's not important. Can we just get going, please."?

= = =

It took less than five minutes for them to reach the main road. The grand gates of O'Kasis were just in sight. Lizzie, Lucinda and Aphmau wished Willow and Jasper good spying and then continued through the forest in silence, until they happened upon a clearing. There, a merry little cottage stood. An old woman, vaguely familiar was sitting on the front porch watching two young girls. One with light brown hair and blue eyes, the other with brown eyes and black hair. Aphmau smiled widely.

"That's Lilith," She said, pointing out the blue eyed one, 'And that's Alina."

Lizzie nodded, keeping her eyes trained on her nieces. Aphmau led the way towards the cottage, Lucinda hanging back. At the sight of their mother, the two girls stopped playing and their faces lit up with joy. Hyria stood up, and opened her mouth to greet them, however the sight of Lizzie stopped her in her tracks. Instead her face grew grim, and she simply nodded a greeting that Lizzie returned.

"Mama!" The girls cried when they reached the bottom of the steps.

The threw themselves into their mother's arms, and she hugged them tight. It took a long time for her to let go, but when she did, the girls finally noticed Lizzie. Their eyes grew wide with fright and curiosity.

"Who are you?" Alina asked softly.

Lizzie stepped closer and lowered herself to their height before replying, her green eyes warm and full of love.

"I am your aunt, little ones. You do not know who I am yet, but I hope you will soon. There will come a time that your mother will no longer walk this realm, but I will. I have for thousands of years, and will continue to do so for many more. I will always be there for you, no matter what."

Do any of you recognise that promise? If you haven't guessed this tale is drawing to an end. It's been fun while it lasted, but I have other things to focus on. I'm sorry if you expected me to include Shad's epic defeat, but to be honest I like to wait until I know more about what might happen in order to write something, like the last remaining divine warriors. And since MCD has been on a hiatus for so long, it's kind of hard. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)

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