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Jun's POV

I woke up to see that I wasn't in my room and that someone was trying to sneak out of the room, she saw me wake up I guess so she instantly started running. I was so confused for a bit. I suddenly remembered that I let kiana stay over for the night. I think she was in the school uniform which confused me since it was like 6:10am and school didn't start until 7:30am. I walked outside and heard running footsteps and a rushed conversation followed by more rushed footsteps out of the door. I started running too.

"Kiana !!" Why is she running away from me ? Did I do something wrong ? What is happening ? I instantly went back up into my room, took a quick shower, changed into my uniform, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After eating, I said bye to the maids and went into my car. I decided to take the long way because Kiana probably took this way too. It was weird. She avoided me at my house and left with no goodbye. I'm honestly so confused as to why she did that. I looked and saw her come out of a coffee shop, assuming that it's the one she worked at. I rolled down my window and yelled out her name but she just kept walking faster and faster. It didn't seem like she could hear me, both her earphones were in and they were probably at full volume because that's also what she did yesterday when I brought her to my house. I just sighed and drove to school. When I got there, I parked and waited for her to arrive. As soon as I saw her, she looked at my car but then turned away from it and went onto campus. I called her name again but she kept walking, earphones were still in and any person a mile away could hear how loud her music was. I wonder how she hasn't gone deaf yet. Anyways, she kept walking into campus and just walked until turning right, I was too far back but I ran as fast as I could and turned right to not see her anymore. I walked passed a few rooms like the Music room, Japanese room, photography room. It was the building for the electives. I looked in each window and tried to see if Kiana was in any of them but she wasn't. I just gave up and just walked away until I got a call. It was Vernon. WAIT ! I FORGOT ! I WAS SUPPOSED TO PICK HIM UP. THANK GOODNESS HE LIVES ONLY A FEW MINUTES AWAY.

"Yes Vernon ?"

"Hyung ! Where are you ? Aren't you picking me up ?"

"Yeah, just give me a sec, I woke up late, I'll be there in a few."

"Geurae." I walked out of the campus again but looked back to make sure kiana doesn't come out of nowhere. She didn't I just sighed and walked back to my car to pick up Vernon.

Kiana's POV

I got to the elective building and luckily, the music room was the first room there, hopefully Jun was far back enough so he wouldn't see what room I walked into. I walked inside, closed the door behind me and locked it. There was a window and I knew he was gonna check if anyone was in the rooms so I went to the side where I wasn't visible from the window's view. I saw Jun look in but then walk away. I sighed in relief, turned on the lights, and started fixing my stuff. I suddenly heard footsteps coming back towards the room so I turned off the lights and hid again just to see Jun pass by the room. He seemed upset, I felt bad because all he did was help me and look at me, I'm avoiding him without giving him any context on why I'm doing this. I unlocked the door and peeked outside to see that Jun wasn't there anymore, I sighed and went back in, turned on the lights and reached for the Saxophone. It's not usually what I go for, I usually reach for one of the guitars but not today. My blisters are really bad from playing the guitar too much so I'm playing the saxophone instead. This music room isn't used anymore because they cut off the music program and they just leave all the instruments in here. I asked the administration if I could use since it would be a waste if the instruments weren't put into use and they said yes and just let it be my own room. No one at this school likes to play instruments but me so I have no one to relate to when I comes to this topic. At least, I don't think so. I don't know, I don't talk to anyone here at school cuz again, they're all spoiled thots. Anyways, I grabbed a reed out of its reed case and put it in my mouth while I was putting the saxophone together. Yes, the wood tastes weird but you get used to it. After I was done. I looked for some sheet music and found a song by Frank Sinatra. It was 'Fly Me To The Moon,' it was my mom and dad's favorite song so I listened to it a lot while growing up. I actually knew how to play it pretty well, i just haven't memorized some of the parts in the verses. I was just having the time of my life until the bell rang, cutting me off from playing. I put the saxophone away and went to my classroom aka hell.

안녕 !! Another chapter !! Yay !! Hehe, sorry. I suddenly had the motivation to work on these books. Ntw, Lost In Korea has been unpublished because I currently have no ideas for that book but when I have more ideas, it'll be published again ! 사랑해 !!


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