How Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen got together

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    Evan Hansen was in love with Zoe Murphy. Or at least, that's what everyone thought. Zoe Murphy on the other hand, knew a secret. Her brother, Connor Murphy was seriously falling for the tiny tree lover, and she was determined to get them together.

First, she had to get Evan to stop crushing on her, which would be easy, because Zoe knew he really didn't like her, it was most like something Jared had put in his head. After a night of tossing and turning, She finally came up with a plan.

On Friday morning, Zoe walked up to where Evan and his "friend" Jared were sitting.
"Hey hot stuff, finally come to your senses? Cause my offer is still up," Jared flirtatiously said.

Zoe rolled her eyes. Everyone knew Jared was a flaming gay. "F*** off Jared. I'm actually here to talk to Evan, sooo..." Jared smirked, "Ok, well I'll be at the next table over if you change your mind," Jared called As he walked away.

Up until this point Evan hadn't said anything other then shoot terrified glances to Jared.  "So umm what-what did you want to talk about" Evan stuttered.

Zoe grinned. "Well I was wondering if you could help me with a biology project? We have to count different types of trees at a national park, and I don't really know much about trees..."

At the mention of trees, Evan perked up immediately. "Uh yeah, I would- I would love that!" Zoe smiled bigger,(if that was possible), "Great!" She said standing up. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at, lets say, 10 o'clock ?" Evan nodded.

As Zoe walked to class, she went over her plan in her mind, and as far as Zoe was concerned, it was fool proof...
**************TIME SKIP*****************

    Later that night Zoe burst into Connors room. Connor barley glanced up. "What do you want Zozo?" Zoe cringed at the childish nick name. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't call me that, anyway, I made plans with Evan tomorrow, but I'm going to have a migraine, so I won't be able to go, so pick him up at 10, wear something decent, and be nice, have fun on your date my dude." Zoe then left quickly as she had come, leaving Connor sitting there dumbfounded. "Well then, good thing I'm free..." Connor said to himself as he pulled out his plain black sweatshirt and black skinny jeans.
   The next morning as Evan was getting ready, his phone started ringing, as he looked down as panic seized him seeing Zoe was calling him. Quickly he answered the phone.
"Evan hey.. I'm really sorry but I have a REALLY bad migraine, I'm not gonna be able to make it, I'm sorry."
Evan sighed. "It's ok, I hope you, you feel better, what are you gonna do about your project?"

"Well I sent my brother over, and I was thinking you and him could go, thanks! Have fun!" Evan heard a beep, and realized she hung up. Evan started to panic even more. A whole day with Connor, in the woods.
Before he could think anymore about it, Evan heard a knock on the door.
. . .
The car ride to the park was mostly silent, except for the occasional small talk. Evan's heart was pounding the entire time. When they pulled into the parking lot for the park. The boys hopped out and began walking to the assigned area, as Evan started rambling about different types of trees they might find, not noticing Connors evident blush.

They walked for a few hours, recording the trees, when Connor stoped. "Why don't we break for lunch? I packed turkey sandwiches, I was gonna do peanut butter and jelly, but your allergic right?" Evan nodded, "you remember better then my mom, she put me in the hospital twice, once when I was 4 and another time when I was 6..."

As they ate, Evan started talking about trees, and bob Ross, and more trees. Connor looked like he was listening intently, but really all he could focus on were Evan's lips; how soft they looked, how they seemed to get closer... and closer. Before he realized it, Conner pressed his lips to Evan's.

Evan, shocked, froze for a moment, before melting into the kiss, not thinking of anything but the moment. Connor put his arms around Evan, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.

Suddenly, Evan pulled away, and started backing up. "I'm- I'm s-sorry-I didn't- I shouldn't- I'm sorry- I have to go" Evan was trying not to cry he ran into the bathroom and slid down to the floor.

Connor, confused and upset about Evan's sudden disappearance, followed him, and saw him curled up in a ball next to a sink. "I'm really sorry" Evan sniffed. Connor chuckled a bit. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, I was the one who kissed you, if anything I should be sorry, you just looked really adorable and I've been wanting to do that all year."

Evan suddenly looked up. "You-you liked me?" Connor looked down and blushed. "Yeah, but I know you like Zoe..." Evan shook his head, "I've liked you for awhile, I told Jared about it and he, Well he said there wasn't a chance you could like someone as pathetic as me, and then spread rumors about me liking Zoe, and he said, he said a lot of things, like the whole thing Christmas thing, I swear it-it never happened, he was mad at me, and anyway I've been trying not to like you cause I knew you'd never go out with me and I thought maybe I could like Zoe, but it's always been you..."

Connor reached over and grabbed Evan's hand, tracing circles in it. " Jared's an asshole, and your not pathetic, your, your just amazing, everything about you, and I was wondering, would you go out with me? If it's too soon that's ok I totally understand but-" Evan cut him off with a quick peak on the lips. "I'm assuming that's a yes?"

*******Last time skip, I promise*******
Connor was pulling up in front of Evan's house, and turned down the radio. Much to Evan's delight, Connor had held his hand almost the whole drive home, only letting go to give some guy the finger.

"Thanks, for everything Connor, I had a lot of fun" Connor turned to face him, "Anytime, I'lol text you?" Evan smiled, "you better," he made a move to get out, but before he could, Connor put his hands on Evan's shoulders, and kissed him.

This time, Evan didn't hesitate kissing back, putting his hands on Connor's waist. Moments later, they pulled away, out of breath.
Ok so I lied, shoot me, do you rly want like 5 paragraphs of Connor driving? That's what I thought, ok last time skip
Connor walked inside his house, hanging up his keys. He hadn't even walked 15 steps before Zoe came flying down the stairs.

"Tell me everything, how was it, Connie tell meee" Connor laughed, "I'm assuming you "migraine's" better, and to answer all of your questions, it went well, we saw lots of trees, Evan and I are dating, oh! And we saw a whole family of deer with two cute little ba-"

He was interrupted with Zoe squealing. "YES I CALLED IT!! ALANA OWES ME 20 BUCKS!!!"
Connor Laughed and ran upstairs leaving his crazy sister to text Alana, and looked forward to a quiet 10 minutes to himself before Zoe would come in and interrogate him for all the details.

He lay on his bed, and for the life of him, couldn't stop smiling.
. . .
Hi, thank you so much for reading, I'll try to publish as much as I can and hope to have another chapter by Friday, I know I'm not the best writing, so pls feel free to comment suggestions, corrections, ideas, or rly anything. Sorry if it felt weird, I was experimenting with third person,
- me

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