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Lol I just realized that when I published this I forgot to give it a title.. oops, so yeah.. fixed that..

"Pleeeeease Evan?"

"Con... I don't know..." 

Evan looked at his boyfriend and immediately regretted it.  the puppy dog eyes. They get him every time. Evan looked away, mentally slapping himself for getting into this situation. The conversation started out harmless enough, just a comment about the adorable puppy on the TV, in the but a few minutes in Evan knew he was in trouble.  

"I mean, Connor, we both work all day, we barely have time for ourselves, much less a dog." Evan attempted to reason.  

Connor continued to look at him with his pleading eyes. "We'll figure it out Ev, I've always wanted a pet, ever since I was a kid-"

Evan sighed. "I know Con..."

"And look, all of the plants we bought last month are still alive, that's an improvement!" Connor continued to plead, Evan knew there wasn't a way out of this, but then, he got an idea. 

"ok, what if we still start small, what if we start with a fish?" That seemed fair. After pondering It for a second, Connor's eyes lit up.

"Ok! thank you Ev you're the best!" Connor purred, pulling Evan in for a kiss. 

T H E N E X T D A Y 

Evan was leaving work when his phone dinged. He looked over at Zoe. "this is probably Connor, I told him he could pick out a fish." Zoe chuckled and leaned over to read Evan's phone with him.

Connor: Ok so I know we agreed to get a fish

Connor: But Jared came with me and you know how convincing he can be.

Evan frantically typed back.

Evan: Connor please tell me you didn't

Connor: Well I didn't get a dog

Evan: Thank god

Evan: Wait

Evan: What DID you get??


Connor: If it makes you feel any better, Her name is Fish

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Connor: If it makes you feel any better, Her name is Fish.



Connor: She's really sweet you'll love her, I promise

Connor: I have to work the overnight tonight but she's all comfy and excited to meet you! Love you,

Evan looked up and sighed. He should of known to send Jared and Connor to get a pet would result in this. Meanwhile, Zoe was laughing her ass off.

"Oh my god, you should have expected this, I mean what were you thinking sending Jared and Connor to get a pet??" Zoe caught her breath, before hugging Evan. "Well Ev, Good luck!" 

Evan pinched the bridge of his nose. At least he was a bit of a cat person. 

P O O F  H E  I S  H O M E  N O W

Evan took a deep breath, before unlocking the door and peering inside. There was a cat bed inside of a large cage, but no cat. He shrugged, knowing cats take a while to get used to new surroundings. He sat down on the couch and started half watching the Office snd half playing on his phone, when he suddenly felt a warmth on his lap. 

Evan glanced down at the newest addition to the Hansen-Murphy household.  "ah, so your fish..." Evan slowly let her sniff his hand, and waited until she started rubbing against his hand before softly stroking her. He smiled to himself. He decided he could get used to this.

Soon, between the purrs of Fish and the comforting audio of The Office. Evan fell asleep. and that's how Connor found them when he got home.

Hey, I hope this isn't too bad, the fish thing came from a meme. Sorry for the really long break, I'll have some more chapters soon. Feel free to comment whatever, suggestions, thoughts, I read them all and I love hearing what you guys have to say!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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