The broken glass

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Hey so this one isn't super interesting but I had part of it written and I wanted to finish it, more soon!

"I hate you!" He screamed though sobs to the figure of in front of him. "Y-your s-stupid and  terrible and e-everyone hates you" He let out a scream of anguish and forcefully slammed his fists into the mirror he was gazing into. There was blood and broken glass everywhere. Evan continued sobbing as he slowly slid to the floor.

Evan heard a knock from the front door. "Ev, it's me Connor, are you ok? Zoe texted me and said you walked out in the middle of biology." Evan just continued too sit on the ground. Connor had a key, so after no response he just walked in. "Evan?" He called. Evan could hear his footsteps outside the bathroom. Evan tried to quiet his sobs but it was too late, he knew Connor had heard him. Connor opened the door.

"Evan! What happened?" Evan was now sobbing uncontrollably. Connor held the small boy while he cried, trying to soothe him. Evan leaned into Connor.

"I was-I was trying to give my um presentation in bio and I thought, I thought it would be ok cause it's on trees but everyone looked at me and I just, couldn't."

Connor sighed slightly, shaking his head at the blond. "It's ok, it's gonna be ok. Why didn't you ask to present it to the teacher privately like dr. Sherman said?" He asked him.

"I was having a good day but as soon as I went up I started panicking and everyone laughed." Evan answered, slightly more calm now that Connor was there. After a half hour of hugging on the bathroom floor, Connor began to clean Evans wounds from the glass.

"There, " he replied finishing the last cut, "don't let them get infected, I'm assuming we aren't going back to school, so, Disney, the office, or Leverage?" Evan gave Connor a small, exhausted smile. "Can we watch Leverage?"

This time it was Connors turn to smile. "Of course."
So both boys cuddled on the couch, sneaking kisses every once in awhile, watching Leverage, not thinking about school or projects, just enjoying each other's company.

"Hey Connor?"
"I love you"
"I love you to"

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