Chapter One

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Kennedy's POV:

My muse is dead, my brother died and everything at home crumbled. I did the best thing anyone could do in that situation. I got away, I left my boyfriend and everything behind.
He was very plain and boring and the only guy my brother approved of. So, I let everyone run my life back then. I was trapped then.

I ran as far as I could go, with the money I saved after college. Yes, I have a masters in Painting and Art design.

I moved to New York to live out my dream, but art became only a hobby, about a month after I moved here. Rent is four times as much as I would pay back home. So I work 3 jobs just to pay for my shoebox apartment.

"Kenny! Go serve the man over there." My boss yells at me, I hate that bitch. I notice a not-so-attractive guy sizing me up. Why do I always get these ones? Don't get me wrong some can be good and all but I tried good, good was bad for me.

He would be more attractive if he hit the gym more and got a few tattoos, but something tells me mommy and daddy wouldn't approve. I think his mom still buys his clothes because he is wearing the ugliest sweater I have ever seen. He looks like an ugly pumpkin.

I grab the scolding hot pot of coffee in my hands. I walk over with a fake smile. I don't think I have given a genuine smile since-well before Tommy died.

"Here is your Cup of Joey's Joe would you like a slice of pie or muffin to go with it, sir?" He slides the glasses he is wearing down the bridge of his nose and looks at me with his sea-green eyes, they look the color of baby poop. I almost gag when he licks over his chapped lips.

"A muffin would be nice." He says with a wink. I walk away as fast as I can and grab him a bran muffin, hoping he will have the shits and never come back.

I walk back over and say "On the house." I use a few dollars from my tips from last night to cover it. I only did that so I would not have to have him looking at me as prey.

He eats his muffin and gives a rather large tip. Really a fifty for black coffee and a day old muffin?

I finish my day and get ready for an art gallery, with my best friend Anna. She is an actress. I most of the time see her in a few ads that play on T.V.

She brings me one over her overpriced dresses. It's black and small with lace all down the back.
We all have a little black dress that looks great and hugs your curves just right. Well, my lack of curves. I wear b cups while Anna's are doubled. This dress she bought thinking she could fit it. Well, she thought so-wrong because her boobs literally poured out of the dress when she wore it.

I quickly, shower, shave and get all slutted up. The three S's. I grab the only things of value I own, my diamond pendant from my grandmother and a pair of shoes. The shoes were really expensive. I bought them at a shoe store downtown for a whole whopping 500 dollars, that was just half-off.

I continue to get ready and throw on some black eyeliner under my water-line. I then do wings that look absolutely perfect and my eyebrows. I have big blue eyes so the black eyeliner makes them pop. I have very sensitive skin, so I don't wear foundation.

I don't really have any beauty marks or any pimples anymore so my skin looks good.

Us two single ladies are ready to drink, talk to rich men, show off my artwork and maybe have a nice fuck afterward.

We get into my car and zoom over to the hotel as fast as we can. I get there on time. Someone has already bought one of my pieces. For 10,000 dollars I almost faint who is willing to pay that much for my art. It was just a painting of the fields back at home. The sky was dark and the sun is trying to break through the light, but the darkness wins.

My piece is called "Unconditional Love."

All my pieces are about Tommy. How he was the light and now my world is so full of darkness. I hold back my tears and hear a guy clear his throat.

"These are the best pieces of work here. They display so much emotion, and they look so lifelike. I have already bought one piece if you are looking to buy one I am sorry, I just bought the lot." My stomach flips, some guy just spent over 100,000 dollars on my art.

I turn around to face him, to thank him but he is no-longer-there.

I move on to the next display of art. The girl is clearly selling a few items but people are taking advantage of her amazing prices. I have had that happen before.

I walk over and see a nice coffee mug that is five different shades of purple. I give her all my tips from today. Which was about two hundred dollars.

Yes, I just spent 200 dollars on a fucking mug and I will probably never use it. I take a few shots of whatever and walk.

I walk over to another table and watch someone dip into the shadows. Maybe it is that guy from before? I run through the big groups of people and find no one. I wanted to tell him he was giving me too much.

I wanted to at least say thank you. My head is spinning I need air.

I find Anna and she has a few drinks. I go outside to get some fresh air.

Headlights are all I can see in the distance before everything goes dark.

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