Special chapter: The ocean

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Charles watches as a man throws a plastic cup into the ocean and quickly confronts him.

- Hey, buddy! - Charles says - the ocean is not a dump. Look, there are garbage cans, put your glass there.

- What's your problem? - asks the man - It does not matter.

- Maybe you don't care - answers Charles - but in a few years this beautiful ocean will be full of garbage. If you have children, do you want them to swim there?

The man becomes aware, picks up the glass and throws it in the trash not without first thanking Charles. Jessica and Danna notice the event and ask what happened.

- The man threw the glass into the ocean and told him to pick it up - Charles replies - it is not anyone's landfill and so it must remain.

- Why the interest in defending the ocean? - Jessica asks - what would you have done if that person does not listen to you?

For a long time the ocean has been imposing and beautiful: home to different marine species, a place where surfers can surf the waves, swim in those peaceful waters or for those who love secrets dive to discover them. Those who do not enjoy swimming or diving can simply watch her sitting in the sand waiting for the sunset. Fishermen go every day to try to bring food to their homes, there are infinite possibilities - Charles responds - Unfortunately, in his eagerness to believe that the world belongs to him, the man alters the balance and contaminates everything that is in its path. People who instead of depositing their waste in the trash, they prefer to throw it in the ocean without measuring the consequences.

Charles pauses and picks up a plastic bag.

You see? It can be an ordinary bag - Charles keeps responding - for a sea turtle it can be a jellyfish and in its confusion eat it and suffocate. Just like the turtle, other marine animals are affected because of our ignorance of which they have no fault. That man could ignore me, I would pick up the glass and throw it in its place but it is not the idea. We have to show that if we do not make the change, nobody else will.

- What do you plan then? - Danna asks.

- Create awareness - Charles responds - our dependence on plastic is a serious problem that can affect us in the future. If we continue like this, marine life would be irremediably doomed to extinction. The fish would disappear, causing the fishermen to lose their jobs and not be able to carry the daily bread. There is a moment in which we must all think about the future we want to leave to our offspring. The moment is now, we must choose between the planet... or the plastic.

The three respond in unison: We all have the opportunity to change the world.

#PlanetOrPlastic | Adventures of an unfortunate hero: Special chapterWhere stories live. Discover now