Note To Readers:

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It was at one point Evynne, but now it is Ellie, so its not to be confused with my other OC Evynne who is a polar opposite of this character XD  

I was inspired to republish this, as my update frequency hasn't been stellar and I want to keep giving you guys content to read! 

Its been a hot minute since I've had a brand new story. I know I have a couple of sequels that need to be worked on but I couldn't get this story out of my mind and I'm really excited about it. I only plan on this being max: 10 chapters but it could be less just a little side project really. 

I recently have become obsessed with the movie The Greatest Showman (Fun fact: I LOVE musicals.) and The song Rewrite The Stars from that movie is obviously the inspiration behind this fic. (Even though like all my other fics this is a OUAT fic. XD) 

This ones a bit different, Killian is a Prince, which you will have known if you read the description so I'm not going to go into huge detail what the story is about I just wanted to point out that: 
YES the story is tagged as CaptainSwan because CaptainSwan is in the story as FRIENDSHIP. 

CaptainSwan is not endgame in this story. you all know I write Killian/OC always but I didn't want to mislead anyone or disappoint anyone if they went into this fic thinking it was CaptainSwan when its not. 

Anyways, I'm working on the first chapter now I'm just super excited about this story its all I've thought of all day. 
As always remember to be respectful when commenting and I will do so in return :) 

<3 LlamaLoyd

Rewrite The StarsWhere stories live. Discover now