Chapter 1 Stars

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A/N: So here is Chapter one, I hope everyone likes it! <3 

Ellie sat outside on her break enjoying the warm breeze in the air and watching the foot traffic to the Castle on the hill. It was a busy place this evening which meant something exciting was happening and Ellie could only imagine what it was.
"Why do you sit out here and stare at that bloody palace all day?"
Ellie turned her head and looked at her friend Davis and sighed.
"You just wouldn't understand." She mumbled turning back to the palace.
"Oh, I understand. You are torturing yourself with these fantasies inside your head that you will ever get within 10 feet of that Castle." Davis replied.
"It's not torture to have dreams, Davis. I told you, you just wouldn't understand.."
"El, you know I love you but you've been dreaming the same dream since we were children. Its time you get your head out of the clouds. Those people up there, they have no idea we exist, nor do they care to."

Ellie knew this she knew that this was her side of the world and this is where she would stay. She knew the Prince had no clue she existed but it never hurt anyone to dream that he did, or to dream that one day she would find herself on that hill, at the palace doors.
"It doesn't hurt to dream. That's what my mother always said anyways." Ellie smiled.
"It does when you're on thin ice with your job and you are late coming back from break." Davis argued. "Get back to work Ellie before you get yourself into trouble, Please."
Ellie sighed heavily and stood to her feet.
"Fine, for now, you win." She gave up, looking back over her shoulder at the castle again before she walked into the Tavern.

Killian stood on the balcony outside his room watching carriages making their way to the palace gates. This should have been a happy day, He was asking Emma Swan, Princess of Misthaven for her hand in marriage. He'd known Emma nearly all his life and they were good friends. Apparently good enough that their families decided that they should marry. Killian's eyes scanned further down the road looking at the small, dusty old Tavern that sat at the bottom of the hill. It had been there all his life, yet he'd never actually been inside it. His brother Liam would kill him if he set foot in a place like that, Drinking never led to anything good according to Liam, but still Killian was curious for just one day, he wanted to know what it was like to have no responsibility, to go somewhere where no one knew who he was. He'd been told, what to do and say since he could walk for once he just wanted something to be of his own choice.

"Emma is waiting for you little brother." Liam said as he crept up behind Killian. Killian sighed in annoyance.
"Younger brother." He corrected.
"Oh come now, Killian why the sour mood? this is a day for celebration." Liam grinned trying to get his brother to at least smile.
"Oh, I know. I just needed a moment to prepare Liam. It's a big day." Killian said turning on his heels and walking into the room looking at himself in the mirror.
"Aye, it is and it's about time for it too. Don't keep the lady waiting too long Killian." Liam winked and walked out of the room.
"I wont.." Killian mumbled to himself and looked back out the window before following Liam out of the room to greet his future bride.


Ellie walked outside after the end of her shift and gasped as the sky was lit up with hundreds of glowing lanterns.
"Davis! Look!" She beamed. Davis looked up, not nearly as excitedly as Evynne.
"They must be celebrating something." He said and shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
"I wonder what they are celebrating." Ellie wondered out loud.
"Why do you care? It's got nothing to do with you. Come on, I'll walk you home."
"I'll be fine, I'd like to watch for a while, I'll just stay my father will be done shortly."
"The Tavern doesn't close for hours El, you're just going to sit out here and watch the sky?" He asked
"Why do you care, its got nothing to do with you." Ellie mocked him and put her hands on her hips narrowing her hazel eyes at him.
"Oi, fine. Suit yourself." Davis grumbled and waved a hand in dismissal at her before leaving her there sitting on her favorite stump watching the sky in awe.

"Ellie darling what are you doing out here I thought Davis walked you home ages ago." He father sighed as he walked out of the Tavern locking up the door.
"I was watching the lanterns Papa. Davis says they're celebrating something." She smiled. "After the lanterns were gone I was just watching the carriages."
Everett Thomas watched the glow from the stars illuminate his daughters face and he saw her smile turn into a frown.
"What's wrong love?" He asked.
"Nothing papa, we can go now." She said and stood from the stump.
"Don't let Davis get you down Ellie." Everett sighed.
"He's right though. I can dream all i'd like, but I'll never actually see it in person. Its not in the stars for me." She gave him a sad smile.
"Your mother always said if you didn't like what the stars chose for you, to change them yourself." Everett smiled trying to give her back a little bit of hope.
"I know she said that, but the stars never moved for her either.." Ellie shrugged her shoulders and linked her arm with her fathers as they made their way home.


Ellie was spending her day off from the Tavern cleaning and doing her chores around the house, once she had finished hers she worked on her father's knowing he'd be tired after working all day. However much to her surprise her father came bursting into their cozy little cabin hours earlier than she expected him.
"Papa! What is it?" Ellie exclaimed mistaking the wild look in her father's eyes as a bad thing. He grinned and handed her an envelope.
"What is this?" Ellie asked confused as she flipped it over looking at the royal wax seal on the back. She gasped and looked up at her father.
"From.. the The Prince??" She asked.
"Aye, love open it! Go on." He urged her.

Ellie slowly peeled the envelope open and took out the piece of parchment inside opening it smiling at the fancy scrawling on it.
"You've been invited to attend, a Royal masquerade ball to honor the Engagement of Prince Killian Jones, and Princess Emma Swan." Evynne read out loud and stopped. Her hands were trembling with pure excitement.
"How did you come by this??" She nearly squeaked.
"A courier, stopped by the Tavern for a couple of drinks and I took it from him. You are going to see that palace and you are going tonight." Everett smiled.
Ellie grinned and shook her head in disbelief at the same time.
"This.. this is a dream. Or a joke, or.. Did Davis put you up to this??" She demanded.
"Darling, I would never do this to you if it wasn't really going to happen. I know what it means to you." Everett chuckled as Ellie almost knocked him over with the force of her hug.

Ellie pulled away from her father and looked down at her torn dress.
"What on earth am I going to wear? I can't go in this." She said.
"Come with me, I have something to show you." Everett said and took his daughter's hand leading them to his room.
"Cover your eyes." He said. Ellie put her hands up over her eyes as she heard the creaking of the closet door opening. She was giddy with excitement.
"Alright, love go on take a look." Everett said. Ellie slowly pulled her hands away from her eyes as she took in the sight of the dazzling red gown in front of her.
"Papa..its brilliant!" She beamed and ran her hand over the materiel of the dress in awe.
"Its yours." Everett smiled and kissed her on the top of the head.
"How did we afford this?" Ellie asked.
"I took our savings last night before the market closed and bought it for you."
Ellie shook her head.
"Papa, no. We can't. We have to take it back, that is all the money we have!" Ellie exclaimed.
"We will make more Ellie this is your one chance to move your stars and I am going to see to it that you do." He smiled and pushed a blonde lock out of her tearful eyes.
"But its a masquerade ball, I haven't got a mask." Ellie said Everett reached into his satchel and retrieved a black and red lace mask.
"No more excuses. Get ready you have a Royal ball to attend." he grinned watching the smile return to his daughters face.   

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