Chapter 3 Find

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Once Ellie was back home, she attempted to get out of the carriage but Davis stood in her way with his arms crossed expecting an answer. 

"What the bloody hell happened in there El?" He asked.
"I honestly, don't know Davis. The prince, Killian he mistook me for Emma!"  Davis cocked his head to the side and snorted.
"You look nothing like princess Emma."
Ellie glared at him and pushed his shoulder moving him out of her way to get out of the carriage.
"Well it wasn't meant to be mean Ellie!" Davis defended himself as Ellie stormed inside. He followed reluctantly.
"Come on El, Tell me what happened?"
"What happened?" Everett asked as he came out of the kitchen.
"Ellie met herself a prince." Davis smirked. Everett smiled, big.
"It sounds like you had quite the evening then Ellie. I'll make some tea and you can tell me all about it."
"I'm actually quite tired Papa, but I will tell you all about it tomorrow. I promise." Ellie smiled. How was she supposed to tell her father that she not only met the prince, he mistook her for someone else, he danced with her and then he kissed her in front of an entire ballroom of people including his fiance?
"Alright, darling, as long as you had a good time."
"I had a grand time." Ellie said and hugged him tightly. "Thank you." Ellie pulled away from her father and gave Davis a smile and a wave before retreating to her room.

Everett raised his eyebrow and looked at Davis.
"What happened?" He asked.
Davis sighed.
"I don't know to be honest, I couldn't get anything out of her on the way here." He shrugged. "I do know, that she came running out of the palace and insisting we had to go, and as we were leaving, Prince Killian was chasing the carriage. She did say something about being mistaken for Princess Emma."
"Oh..Dear." Everett sighed and sat down. "This could mean trouble. These Royal type, you never know what you are going to get with them."
"Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea?" Davis suggested.
"It may not have been, but did you see how happy it made her? Even with the threat of trouble hanging over her she was radiant. I haven't seen her smile like that since.." Everett frowned.
"Since before her mother passed." Davis nodded and then chuckled. "You know had Emily been here today she would have marched Ellie right back to that palace. That woman always went nose first straight into trouble."
"Aye and we wonder where Ellie gets it." Everett smirked.


Killian looked down at the charm bracelet in his hand. He wished she would have stayed, but he understood why she might be afraid to. He wanted to know who this mystery woman was. He had to know her.
"So, you realize that I am never going to let you live this down right Killian?" Emma snickered as she walked into the ballroom that was being cleared out.
"Aye, I wouldn't imagine so." Killian said. "So you aren't upset then?"
"Upset? That was great. Remember that time, I fell in the garden fountain on my 16th birthday in front of all of those people and you laughed until you cried? Yeah. This was so much better. You kissed a complete stranger in front of my kingdom and yours. Your brother is about to lose his mind and I thought my father was going to kill you." Emma laughed

Killian gave a small laugh and ran his thumb over the star charm on the bracelet. Emma sat down next to him
"I'm not upset. But you are. Whats wrong..what is that?" Emma asked looking at the bracelet.
"Its hers. The woman I kissed.. I'm not upset. Well, not really. Be Honest with me Swan, when we kissed you didn't want to run away did you?" He asked.
"No, I didn't want to run away but.. It was awkward. It still is. I know you feel that too." Emma said. "You aren't a bad kisser Killian, I am certain that girl did not run away because you kissed her. She probably feared she's be imprisoned, or worse."
"Probably, I fear we are still cleaning up Regina's mess from her horrid reign.." Killian sighed and looked at Emma.
"What are we doing?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
"Why are we getting married? I love you Swan, but not..not like this and it just became all the more clear when I kissed that woman. I've never in my life felt anything like it."
"Perhaps its true love?" Emma suggested. Killian just scoffed.
"Oh, come on, I'm the product of true love. I think I'd know it." Emma groaned. "To be honest, I don't know what we are doing either Killian. You're right, I love you too but not in the way everyone wants me to love you."
"So..what do we do?"
"Well. First I think we need to find this mystery woman and figure out for sure, if she is your true love and then we go from there. We'll talk to our families they'll have to understand."
"How am I supposed to find her Emma? I have no idea where to look." Killian sighed.
"Well if you'd ever leave this palace you'd know where to look." Emma smirked.
"Okay, If you know where to look then by all means tell me."
"Meet me at the gates tomorrow evening. For right now its best we keep this to ourselves." Emma grinned and stood up.
"But where are we going?" Killian asked.
"You'll see." Emma said. "Don't be late Jones." She smirked and walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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