Chapter 7 // 99 Bonk

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May 6 : 190 days till due

"What did the parents say to their son who wanted to play drums?"

"No! Not another one, please"

"Beat it"

"Charlie. I swear to every god I will murder you"

It's one in the morning and jetlag hit Ashton and I hard. We fell asleep at roughly about two in the afternoon at the hotel we're staying at after Ashton's mom dropped us off, and we woke up at eleven pm and haven't gone back to sleep yet.

And it's hot.

Very hot.

"Okay, I'm sorry" I apologise, turning my body to face the ceiling.

For some stupid reason we have a room with two twin beds, and the space between Ashton and I is enough to drive me insane. Adding to the fact it's too hot for blankets and he's laying there sprawled out topless, I think I'm going to cry.

"Ashton" I say after awhile, cutting through the incurable boredom.


"What's the best way to catch a rabbit?"

"Nooooo" he groans, rolling over.

"Hide in the bushes and make a noise like lettuce"

"CHARLIEEE" he screams into his pillow, banging his hand onto the mattress.

"What goes 99 bonk?" I ask.

"CHARLIE I SAID STOP" Ashton yells, although he's laughing hard as he swings his legs off his mattress and pounces onto my bed.

"What do frozen cows make?" I giggle as he grabs my sides and starts to tickle me.

"STOP" he laughs, his hair flopping in front of his face as he puts his knees on either side of my hips and pins my legs down with his shins.

"WHAT DOES A BUFFALO SAY TO HER SON ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL?" I yell, thrashing around and gasping for breath between laughs.

Ashton grabs my forearms and presses them against the mattress, so now I'm totally strapped down and I can't move.

"Charlie" he says quietly, changing the mood in the room drastically. "God, what am I gonna do with you, Charlie?"

"Anything you want" I say back, my eyes wide as I stare up at him.

"That's what I was afraid you were gonna say" he admits, his voice very gravelly.

He leans his head in, settling more weight on my wrists where his fingers are pressed but I don't care if it hurts a little, and as our noses touch and I close my eyes, he lets out a breath and rolls off me.

"G'night Charlie" he sighs, slumping over to his own bed and laying down with his back to me.

"Oh, uh, goodnight" I say back, feeling almost empty with the loss of him on top of me.

There's a long silence and I think Ashton's gone to sleep when I hear a tiny voice ask "what goes 99 bonk?"

"A centipede with a wooden leg"

I almost expected the pillow that got thrown at me after that.



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