Chapter 14 // Devastated

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June 18 : 146 days till due


It was eleven pm when Charlie finally decided to answer my messages. She hadn't spoken to me for three days, and I was starting to get very very worried. I'd called like a billion times, left twice that many messages and also tried to go around her house once or twice. We don't always see each other every day, but we always talk on the phone, or message, or manage to make some form of contact.

I got the text and rolled over in bed to grab my phone, and when I saw the message I felt sick.

Charlie and the Baby Factory

Never speak to me again.

I swallow hard, sitting up in bed. What's happened. Why this? Why shouldn't I talk to her again?

Charlie and the Baby Factory

Why, what happened?

I wait five minutes. The little 'seen' pops up too, but she never replies, so I keep messaging.

Charlie and the Baby Factory

Charlie tell me what's wrong!

Charlie don't ignore me

You can't just do this



Thats it's. I'm coming over.

I roll out of bed and pull on a shirt and a pair of sweatpants, before forcing my feet into a pair of sneakers. I grab my keys off the counter and jog down the stairs, my nerves sparking with anxiety over what could be wrong.

The streets are pretty deserted, and I'm speeding a little bit so I can get to her house quicker. My phone starts ringing and I look down to see who's calling, and it's Erica. I roll my eyes a let it ring out, I don't feel like having a conversation with her at the moment.

Parking outside her house is a piece of cake, and I almost summersault out of the car, tripping over my feet and rushing to get to her level.

I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's a pregnant thing? I'm getting palpitations and everything inside me is at breaking point. I've worked myself up too much thinking about what could be wrong.

Knocking on the door takes much more energy than it should, and my heart is pounding so loud I can hear it in my ears.

My phone vibrates in my hand just as I hear the footsteps approaching the door on the opposite side.

I look down and seize up, my nostrils flaring and every muscle in my body tensing to the point of snapping.

Erica Harrison

I ran into Charlie Moreau a couple days ago. Care to explain?

The door opens and I look up, my whole body full of dread. Charlie is standing there in a big grey t-shirt, stripy blue pyjamas shorts, and tear tracks on her face, her eyes all red and puffy and her face flushed.

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