Stories That Don't Suck

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I read a lot.

I have read a lot. I have refined my palette. I have studied both this language, the art of writing in it, and the finer art of understanding it.

As such, I have come to own a certain power. I can look at a tale and make an honest critique of it. This ability only came to me because I read a lot and have read a lot.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

Yes, I just used a quote from Dr. Seuss. That is because, as my habitual style dictates, this guide (or series of reviews) will not be made to build you up. It is written to remind you that you are still a child who knows far too little, but that there is a way to know more.

I present to thee, “Stories That Do Not Suck and Other Fine Tales.” A guide to finding the few gems on this crackpot site.

Each chapter will look at one such story, analyse it, then tell you how and where the author screwed up; but also why the story is still worth your effort to read and what you might possibly learn from it.

Let’s start.

Stories That Don't SuckWhere stories live. Discover now