Chapter 2

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The second time his family life changed was a few days after.

After being spotted in the debris left by his attackers, he's quickly shipped off to (or in his opinion, dumped at,) an American adoption center, where the kind and optimistic Rose Chandler, whose favorite line is "carpe diem", runs said hellhole.

His time there is short and he can't remember much, but he recalls a couple of orphans playing with him and Rose taking genuinely good care of him, so that was nice. But he also distinctly remembers Rose's sharp bitting insults and her tendency to roll her eyes when he cried for attention, revealing that her kindness towards him and her enthusiasm for life was nothing more than a facade (something he would find out about a lot of adults in his life).

That was less nice.

The 5 times Max's family life was fucked up (and the one time it wasn't)Where stories live. Discover now