Chapter 3

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The third time his family life changed was when he was adopted.

He remembers everything with disgusting vividness. The posh giggle his "mother" lets out as she makes boring small talk with the officiator. The stench of ink leaking onto the check. The condescending stare his "father" shoots him when they finally acknowledge his presence, despite him being there throughout the whole exhausting process. The bitter taste left in his mouth at the sight of the sick deceiving grins that could fool anyone except him they give the adoption officiator. The way his "parents" carelessly shove him into the back seat of their preppy little tesla. Every rage-inducing detail.

He's not surprised by any of it though. Why should he be? It's the same damn story he's gone through all his shit life. Adults pretending to be nice in order to get something (whether it be from him or others) and then showing their true colors eventually. It's not exactly a new concept to him. The world is way too shitty to ever let anyone escape its corruption. That's why it was filled to the brim with desensitized apathetic assholes.

After all, what other explanation could he come up with in order to explain away why his probably dead parents were replaced with his new "family" that send him to bed, or should he say the floor, without dinner that night because he "talked back too much" (a.k.a. asked too many questions in Hindi for their liking).

The 5 times Max's family life was fucked up (and the one time it wasn't)Where stories live. Discover now