No harm done, 10

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-Pidge pov-

   So to avoid the pain of losing Lance, I stopped talking to him. I stopped talking to the gang and hanging out with them was a no, because every time I looked at them, Allura and Lance were chatting it up. Sometimes the others would try to get their attention, but they were in their own little world.

   I started talking to Pearl, Connor, and Keith more. They weren't as loud or energetic as the others, but they were really nice. Keith and I really hit it off, at least to my knowledge. He didn't really express himself as much as the others so it was hard to read him. But regardless, it got my mind off of Allura and Lance. I'm pretty sure Connor and Pearl noticed, but they didn't say anything.

I got to the shared apartment I had with Hunk and Lance, and went straight to my room. I expected to just stare at the ceiling for hours and pretend like I was asleep to avoid Lance, But I got a text.

Keith Kogane: hey, I know we just hung out with Connor and Pearl, but I was thinking we could hang out at the cafè, just the two of us? You don't have to if you don't want to, but I was just offering.

  Keith wanted to hang out one on one? That was unlike him, but it would be nice to get to know him better.

Me:  sure, how about at twelve? I have to go to the library at 1:30, so we'll have a while.

  I pressed send, I still thought it was a little weird that Keith would want to hang out with me though. But it was better than locking myself in my room all day and ignoring Lance and Hunk.

Keith Kogane: Sure, I guess I can pick you up on my motorcycle since your place is on my way there. See you on Saturday?

Me: Sounds great, see you then.

  I took a deep breath, the first one in a while, I felt like some sort of weight was lifted off my shoulders. Like I didn't have to worry about Lance and Allura, I could just be happy with myself.

  I was cleaning up my room since I haven't cleaned it since I started distancing myself from everyone else. I never realized how much I needed people around me until now, it felt weird. I was alone in my room on the computer, but since I've met Hunk, Pearl, Connor and Keith, I realized that being around people won't kill me.

Yeet yeet time skip to Saturday

I started my walk down the stairs of my apartment complex, it was 11:55 so keith should be on his way. I sat on the steps in front of the apartment and waited for Keith to come, I was going to plug my earbuds in and blast some music; but the door to my apartment building opened. I moved to the side to let the person pass by but they sat down next to me.

I looked up at them and I was met with sparkling blue eyes, tanned skin, and messy bed hair.


I tried to act like I totally haven't been trying to separate myself from him, but I was stiff when he sat down next to me. He looked down at the steps, and muttered out a small "Hey," and covered his mouth back up with his scarf. I didn't know if I should say hi back, so we sat on the steps in silence, watching the red, yellow, and orange leaves fall and roll around on the pavement.

  After a few minutes of sitting in awkward silence, I heard a rumbling engine come closer to the apartment building. I looked up and all the leaves that were on the street were blown away and replaced with a black motorcycle. The guy on it took off his helmet and looked at me and Lance.

  Lance's face twisted like he had inhaled something wretched, Keith gave me a small wave and pointed his thumb behind him signaling 'let's go' I smiled and grabbed my book bag. I've never been on a motorcycle, or in a car for that matter. I've always taken the bus, or a plane that one time I went to California for a writing project.

  I stood in front of the motorcycle, unsure of where to sit and put my bag. I expected Keith to be annoyed with me, since he always had a short temper. But all he did was chuckle a bit "Pull the seat up like the trunk to a car." I did, and there was a decent amount of space for my book bag on top of his bag. I dropped it on and closed the seat.

  I sat behind him and awkwardly wrapped my arms around his waist, since he was never one for contact. Keith put his helmet back on, and when he talked he sounded like he was on some sort of walkie talkie "You can hold on tighter, it would really suck if you fell off" I held on tighter, and felt a bit more comfortable the longer I held on.

  I looked back at the stairs where Lance was sitting, he was staring blankly at his phone, he didn't show any emotion, his fingers weren't moving. He was just staring at a bright screen. With a bit of blue, probably looking at a stupid text or whatever, so I brung my attention back to Keith

  I asked "Is this the first time someone rode with you?" He shook his head "No, I've had a few friends ride with me." He turned on the engine "and only one fell off."

"Wait wha-"

   He zooomed off onto the street, I immediately buried my face into his jacket. Too scared to look up, I actually took in his smell, he smelt like... it's hard to describe with words, but a crisp winter breeze, and fresh snow, but the sun is keeping you warm but not melting the snow.

  The breeze in my hair was a completely different feeling, it was cold and whipping my hair around like a cat with a toy mouse. The sound of the motorcycle, and the occasional bumps in the road making me squeal.

  I started forgetting about my problems, Lance and Allura melted from my mind the longer I had my arms wrapped around Keith, smelling him and hearing him laugh when he'd notice I was scared.

  Maybe I was wrong, and They we're still in my head but we're being drowned out by the fear of me dying on this motorcycle.

  But who cares? I'm happy, I don't have to worry about lance leaving me-

I mean everyone

  Just for a chance at getting Allura, no harm done.


Sksksks I'm sorry this took so long, I want to update once a month so yeah see you in January or super late December, whichever comes first

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