Arrow ||12

172 2 7

I woke up, in an unfamilliar place, my head hurt, and my body felt warm. Now that I had thought about it... there was something around my body... it almost felt like... arms? Why arms... wait.

Oh my god I'm in Keith's arms.

  My body quickly jumped back and made its way out of Keith's grasp, making Keith wake up in the process "Huh? What? What's going on what the fuck?" He quickly processed what was going on around him and looked at me "Oh my fucking god, did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry, really, I am." I nodded "You just.. startled me, one minute we're jumping off a cliff and the next I'm in your arms. I'm sorry for waking you up, I've just never been this close to someone before..."

  Keith nodded and stood up "This is new for me too, you don't have to rush anything, everything is completely different than what I'm used to. But I'm gonna make breakfast. You want anything?" I pondered for a moment, when was the last time I ate? Better yet, have I been eating at all? I nodded "Sure, but don't go crazy with it, eggs and toast would be fine." Keith chuckled "You say that like I know how to cook anything other than eggs and toast."

  Breakfast with Keith wasn't bad, or awkward, it was comfortable. We laughed at memes and found out more about each other. I offered to do the dishes since I was the guest and he let me sleep in his bed and cooked for me. He didn't oblige so I started washin stuff.

  I also got a glance at my phone that was charging on the counter, lots of missed calls and texts from Hunk. I didn't open them, because what was I supposed to say? 'Yeah I told Lance that I had a crush on him, and rode away with Keith into the night and slept in his bed. Hbu?' He'd ask if I'm okay, but what would I say to him? I couldn't tell him everything because he's also Lance's best friend. I couldn't talk to Grey because I didn't know if he was over Lance or not, I couldn't talk to Allura because that's her boyfriend.

  It made me feel sick knowing that they were dating, why? What does she have that I don't? Pretty hair? Big shiny blue eyes that look like they could hold galaxies in them? I should've stayed quiet then, but how could I? He was asking for it! But for what? For me to be jealous of his successful relationship? He got the girl of his dreams, I should be happy for him.

  It just hurts knowing that I'm not the girl of his dreams, and he'll never look at me the way he looks at her, I'll never be able to tell him how much I...


  I was with Keith, right?

  I shouldn't be thinking about Lance anymore, Keith and I were together, so why did it still hurt? Are me and Keith even together? We never called it anything, maybe he just thinks that's what friends do, he's been isolated for a while so I wouldn't be surprised-

"idge... pidge... PIDGE!"

  I was startled out of my thoughts by Keith, who had been sitting on the couch watching a shitty kdrama on Netflix "Can you reach the sink?" I gave him a confused look "Huh..?" He asked again "It doesn't take that long to wash two small plates. Can you even reach the sink?" I chuckled "Hey! If you're gonna be like that then you can get your lazy ass over here and wash your plate too!"

  He grinned and walked next to me and started washing his plate "So... why were you just standing here?" I looked away from him "I was just... thinking." Keith continued my unspoken words "About yesterday? Me too, it was all a blur to me. If you're having second thoughts it's okay! I really don't want you to feel pressured into any of this." I had finished scrubbing a bit of egg for, my plate "I'm not having second thoughts or anything, just... what exactly would you call 'this?' We never really talked about that."

  Keith dried his plate "Well, do you wanna be my girlfriend? Because I wanna be your boyfriend and it would be really awkward if you didn't want to be my girlfriend." I smiled at him "I think that would be nice, because I want to be your girlfriend and it would be really cool if you were my boyfriend."

  My phone rang, making us break eye contact with each other, it was... Grey? I asked Keith if he could get my things and he nodded and went to his room. I hit answer and Grey was in a full on PANIC.

  "The health inspector is coming and there's no one here Pearl has been off the grid for god knows how long, I haven't seen her except for at school, Connor said she hasn't texted him we need someone to help us clean please pigeon you're our only hope!" I laughed "I'll be over in a minute, leave the door open for me would 'ya?" He thanked me a million times and hung up.

  Keith brung my bag out "I think this is everything, I hope..." I slung my bag over my shoulder "Well, it's a long walk to the nearest bus stop here, I'll see you later Keith!" I heard keys jingling and a zip of a leather jacket "Hey, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't drop my girlfriend off personally?" He handed me his helmet which I quickly put on. I slid my things into the back compartment of his motorcycle, and wrapped my arms around his waist, and we were off.

  The ride back was amazing, seeing the bare desert slowly mesh into a city with lush trees and tall buildings was an eye opener. And before I knew it, I was back in the apartment building. Keith gave me a quick peck on my forehead and waved goodbye, the hum of his motorcycle fading as he went back down the street.

  I opened Grey's door to see him and Connor desperately trying to figure out how to organize things, I laughed and remembered a time when having roommates was this simple "So, you guys needed help?" They looked at me and their eyes brightened "Pidge!" Grey tackled me into a hug "I saw you with mullet boy! I want all the deets!" I laughed "later, but right now it looks like a tornado flew through here, so let's get your place cleaned up first."
1124 words

Ahaha,, well since I'm quarantined until May 15th I can start writing this again

(Also, I do most of my writing on tumblr now, my name is Yourlostairpods and most of my writing is bnha and bnha reader inserts, and the occasional Percy Jackson so you're all free to check that out)

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