Chapter 2

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Yuya's P.O.V

I was at my locker taking my stuff out when Yugo was suddenly next to me he said to met him outside I asked what for but he said to talk about something I nodded as he walked off I wonder what he wanted to talk about so I got my stuff and close my locker I walked out of the school to where Yugo was at he was sitting on a motorcycle which I kind of figure was his he looked at me so I asked him what did he wanted that's when he brought up that he knew about me being emotionless I said what gave it away he said that he noticed that my eyes were grey which means emotionless. I sighed and said that he was right that I am emotionless I've been emotionless ever since I was born my parents home schooled me only because they said that kids were going to make fun of me in school he asked how did my parents let me go to this school if that was the case I just straight out said that I faked having emotions so they can let me go to school Yugo said that it was bad to lie to my parents I said I knew that but I didn't have a second thought about it so I just did it.

Yugo sighed as he said that the reason why he wanted to talk to me about it is because he wanted to help me learn about emotions I said he didn't have to waste his time doing so but he said that he wants to teach me emotions I nodded thanking him he gave this real smile I wonder if a smile means happiness he said he'll teach me after school tomorrow Friday since that gives us the weekend to do it. I agree with him as he turn on his motorcycle and left I walked him without realizing that someone is actually following me but I just kept walking home then someone grabbed my arm I looked and saw Shingo I asked what he wanted and he said that he wanted to apologize about that whole mess earlier in school that he no longer does stuff like that anymore I said that if he just followed me just to say that but he said no that he overheard what Yugo and I were talking about and that Yugo wouldn't do a great job of teaching me emotions.

I said that He'll probably do a better job then he if his trying to get me to let him teach me he appeared upset but then calmed down and said that if I wanted Yugo to teach me then that was fine by me and he left Jesus he's ego gets bruised so easily that it's sad. I just rolled my eyes pretending that it didn't happen and continued walking home I remember that I had to give out my fake smile to my parents so as I walked in with the fake smile mom asked how was school I said it was fine and that I made some new friends she said that she was happy to hear that I said I was going to my room she said okay and I walked upstairs to me room.

Shingo's P.O.V

Yugo won't steal Yuya from me Yuya is mine and no one can have him but me once Yuya learns about emotions I'll be sure to take Yuya to where ever he wants until that Yugo I'll even buy him things he wants hell I'll spoil Yuya with everything I'm a rich person I can do whatever I want with my money even spend it on Yuya to win his heart.

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