Chapter Six: The Journey To Ilvermorny

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The figure never came back in her dreams after the encounter with the man. In fact, she seemed to have a lack of dreams. A lack of memorable ones at least. Her dreams had always been vibrant before the figure showed up, colorful, whimsical. But now, nothing. Whenever she slept it was like the world around her turned into a haze, and simply recalling anything was a strain.

But she decided not to worry about the dreams, at least not the ones she was having now. Instead, she focused more on the one dream, the last dream she could really remember - the one with the man and the bow and arrow. What on earth did it mean? And how on earth could it have been real? Yet the dreamcatcher still laid there on her bedside table, she dared not even touch it.

Roddy took notice of her distant stare at breakfast one day. He waved a hand in front of her, snapping his fingers. She blinked and shook her head slightly, focusing back on him. "Where did you go?" He said.

"Nowhere, nothing," she said. "What were you saying?"

He continued on about some books he was reading on potions and magical herbs, and Hana smiled at how invested and fascinated he was with them. Her mind still drifted to the dreamcatcher. She wondered if maybe she should tell somebody about it even though she still wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Was anything about the mysterious figure and the equally mysterious man real? How would she ever know? She made sure to return attention to Roddy before he noticed she wasn't paying attention.

She admired how much Roddy loved reading some of the more boring books in the house, he seemed to be actively curious about everything around him, always wanted to know more. She noticed he had a slight more interest in plants and potions, potions he would go on and on about.

"Did you know that there's a potion that can make you look like somebody else?" He said, his eyes practically bulging in enthusiasm. "That's so cool! And also kinda scary! Somebody could pretend to be like you with a single potion. There's also another potion that can make you age really fast. And another one that--" This went on for a while until he ran out of potions he'd read about. Hana always found it endearing.

Every couple of days, Miss West would take many children to a nearby wizard marketplace called Tangen Town (it was more of a large alley or a small district than a town). While there the children that went with her would go to ice cream parlors and confectionaries or to the joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. There was also a wand repair and replacement shop where Hana and Roddy went to try out a few wands. Miss West explained to them that they'd get their own wands at Ilvermorny as part of the sorting ceremony.

The rest of the summer went by quickly, to Hana's disappointment. Roddy reminded her that at least they'd finally get to see Ilvermorny, which made Hana perk up a bit more. Nothing more happened that seemed odd during the summer, which only made Hana's apprehension increase until the day came that it was time to go to Ilvermorny.

Miss West knocked on Hana's door and dragged in huge brown leather trunk with the initial "H.D." on top of it. She gestured broadly. "This is your new luggage, Hana."

Hana's mouth dropped. "This big thing is for me? I don't think I have enough stuff to fill it!"

"Well, you will. In time." Miss West smiled at her. "Get ready, and get packing! We're leaving the house at 10 am sharp!" She turned and left Hana's room.

The krazy kab was parked right in front of the entrance gate to the Winchester property and Jeremy was at the trunk, pushing luggage into its compartment. Hana came outside, dragging her very light trunk filled with what little she had brought to the house and what little was given to her since she got there in June.

Miss West was scribbling on a notepad mumbling to herself. "August 24th, 9:45 on schedule. Have to get the tickets, that'll be several dragots. The subway leaves at 10:30 so we've gotta get everyone situated..."

Hana Dow and the Dreamcatcher's Bowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن