Chapter 4: A Crossing of Lines and Wires

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Gemenon: V-world

Hades contacted Clarice for a meeting. He was apparently staying somewhere on Gemenon for ease of communication. Clarice had been instructed to meet in a V-world theater.

As Clarice entered the theater, she was met with the sound of Stu Nomion’s “Sonata for the Suns of War”. As she passed through the virtual aisles of seats, she found that they were all empty. Clarice found Hades sitting in the front row. Clarice realized as she looked at the stage that the pianist was in fact a Cylon. The song suddenly became quite off-key.

“Ah, ah, ah, remember the key change,” Hades said.

“I thought the whole point was not to order the Cylons around,” Clarice said as she sat down beside Hades.

“I’m not ordering him, I’m teaching him. He came to me for piano lessons. Apparently he isn’t allowed to touch his master’s piano.”

“I see. I didn’t know you played piano.”
“I’ve dabbled. My instrument, though, is the cello. So have you done as I asked?”

“I’ve made contact with the Blessed Mother.”


“Why didn’t you tell me she was Lacy Rand?”

“Would it have made a difference? Some things we must discover for ourselves.”

“She says she will speak to the Cylon congregation.”

“Good, time ticks.”

“She doesn’t trust me though.”

“That is to be expected, given your past dealings. Eventually she will see you as an ally more than an enemy.”

“How do you know of our past dealings?”

“She confides in few, but there is one Cylon she speaks openly to.”

“You mean her guard, Lucifer?”

“Yes, you could say we’re old friends.”

“You have much influence indeed.”

“Yes,” Hades turned to the Cylon on the stage, “that will be all for today.” Hades turned his full attention to Clarice, his piercing red eyes almost seemed to look through her.

“You must stay in the camp,” he said, “we must earn Miss Rand’s trust for the events that are to come.”

“Why?” Clarice asked, “I thought the whole point was to get her to declare that the Cylons are alive. She has done that. Why must we continue to work with her?”

“You are worried about being close to one you wronged so greatly, this is understandable. All will become clear Clarice, you must have faith.”

“Very well,” Clarice said, removing her holoband.


Tad Thorean entered Jordan Durham’s office.

“What is your report?” Durham.

“I don’t have one,” Tad responded.

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m not going to spy on a friend and a colleague.”

“A friend and a colleague who is hiding something. I think you know what that is.”

“Even if I knew, I won’t betray her.”

“I know. I figured this would happen. It doesn’t matter though, I have enough information to move forward.”

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