
"Hurry guys! Show time is almost here! I rolled my eyes as people rushed past me

I just want to leave

I want to run as fast as I can

I stood next to a frog girl and some fish kid

A adorable wolf boy rushed over to you with a toothy grin. His scruffy hair blows in the wind. His tail sways as he shouts to me

"Guyyyyys. I get to be Tadashi's assistant.~

Do I know him? I ask myself as I meet his light brown eyes.

"Huh excited as ever huh? I let a small smile, on my face unknowingly. 

I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. His ears wiggle slightly, making me giggle.

Wait did I just- ugh?

The ground starts to vibrate, soon a loud BOOM could be heard and everything slipped into darkness, only ebony surrounded me. 




                                          "SHIT MOVE!


                                 "WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY?!


                                 "GET AS MANY BRATS AS YOU CAN-


    I jumped out of bed, my was breathing heavy. Another dream...My heart started pounding. "NO ! NO! BAD ....BAD DREAM! I grabbed my hair pulling lumps and coils out. Shaking my head in pain. A headache rushed over me.I looked at my hands. H/C H/L sat in my hands. it looked weak and frizzy. From stress maybe? I didnt want to think about it.  I dropped it with a  dark gaze.  Calm down Y/N . Just another nightmare. 

I took deep breathes  trying to calm myself down.  

  "Aw (Y/N) - Chan~ you're such a freak."  A boy from a past  dream hummed in my head.   

 I digged my nails into my arms at the thought. "Stop it! You stupid bitch!" I slapped my cheek repeatedly. I winced at the pain, and shooked my hand. Why do I keep having these dreams.. What is wrong with me...? Did I forget my pills? 

     I rushed to the bathroom. I slammed the cabinet open and found my orange pill bottle. I took four out, more than my prescription says. I gulped them down drinking water from the sink. My hands started to shake. My breathing worsened.

Please! no no no no NO

I scratched my scales as they started to flake off from the stress. My tongue flickers in annoyance. My eyes dialted as glimspes of dreams I've been having flowed through my head.

I will not go back. I cannot go back. I will stay here !! I am safe here.... But why am I safe? W-what was that place...

My dad rushed to the bathroom door and knocked violently.

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