I tossed some of my pills down the back of my throat before  i stumbled walking out of my apartment. I had  pulled on a pink sweater dress and some fluffy uggs. Along with a white backpack and I  made sure to comb through my hair. My scales basked in the yellow rays piercing the soft-hued sky. And I sharpened my horns just for this occasion. Was I late? Yes. Was I probably gonna get scolded? Maybe. Even so,  I still looked good. I tingled in my ego from the lustful stares I got. 

 As I was walking down the street, I walk past a villain attack being aired live on a giant screen. "Woah Musica is such great hero! "She's sooo pretty." "I know right?!

I rolled  my eyes turning to face the screen. The famous pro. Musica. She's know for her 'amaizng voice' and ' beautiful' quirk.

'Dream' it makes her enemies past out or sometimes have go into a fever-dream state as she sings.

The public seem to like her. I don't. Something about her and the way she looks at the public. She smiles, blushes and gets flustered by all the compliments propelled her way. But her eyes, they never seem genuine. It bothers me so much. I hate it. She's been around ever since I could remember, she's married to the the pro 'Pitch' let's not even get started on him. Ugh.

I make way to the train station. People brush past me without a second glance, and it takes everything in my power not to project my venomous liquid on to their feeble exteriors. I smirk lost in thought at their scared reactions if I did so. I let out a soft moan as someone brushes on my scales. I curl my toes trying to cover my mouth with my hand. My face flushes ten shades darker when I make eye contact with them. They had on U.A uniform and had a peculiar thunderbolt dashed across their mustard colored hair. Of course he was wearing earbuds. We stared into each other's eyes for about 40 no 50 seconds. I can't move or react, his legs are in front of my tail, so I could only look over my shoulder with a tomato red blush. He then gives me the most goofy humchucked grin ever.

He pulls out his earbud, I can hear the sound of weird death screeching wails come from it.

"Wanna listen? He says smiling.

"Wha huh no th-

"The names Kaminari Denki." He says shifting the position from my tail to shake my hand. My blush fades as I turn fully around towards him, a dark smirk appears but fades as soon as it appeared on me. I shake the guys hand with a somewhat forced smile and grab his ear bud putting it  in my ear.


As I shoved the bud in my ear. It forces it's way down my sensative ear, vibrating ear numbing beat, I grimaced at the sound,  the sign of distaste was written all over my features. Between the throbbing music and the wince worvy lyrics. I think I was gonna jump out the window.  I look at him with a genuine worried look.

"Dude are you okay?

"Never if we're being honest." He said scratching his nape letting out a chuckle

I found somewhat satisfaction in that answer. I smiled at him and grabbed his phone typing in something, he looked over to see but I shoved him away. I smirked and turned the volume all the way up.

"Ugh what are you -

"Y/N. The names Aizawa Y/N." I beamed continuing to blast the phone's audio level up.

"Denki prapare for the most sexiess thing to grace your tympanic membrane." I said pressing on the video.

Kaminari became flustered & confused on why you called him Denki, though he wasn't complaining as he had always hoped a cute girl would call him by his first name. Though he was still conflicted on why you chose 'tympanic membrane' of all words.

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