The Waterfront

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Kara's POV

Winn had said that Bloodsport was most likely to attack the waterfront, so that's where the team was going. Once they were all suited up, we went over their plan. Everyone was there. Team Flash, Legends, Oliver and company. Well, everyone except Felicity. Her and Oliver broke up after she turned down his proposal. Curtis replaced her as Green Arrow's "resident techie."

 J'onn and I were to be on a distant roof waiting. Everyone else would be out in the field watching from the ground.

When everyone got there, Lena was about to present the "Girl of Steel" statue.

"Now, I know you all didn't come here to see me. So, I'll start with the good stuff, and then I'll say just a few very brief words. My fellow citizens of National City, the Girl of Steel. 

"There you are." J'onn said.

" I am so honored to be able to present this statue of our hometown hero. Some of you must be thinking, I know. It's a cold day in hell, a Luthor praising a Kryptonian. But ever since I came here, she has been an inspiration to me.  She's been a mentor, and most importantly, she's been a friend."

I couldn't help but let out smile because of the praise her best friend was giving me. I was thinking about how much my life has changed in these past 3 years. The huge difference I've made. It made me happy... until I was pulled out of dream when J'onn said, 

"Now would be a good time for you to get down there and join the crowd." 

As I was about to take off, an explosion rang out throwing me off her balance. When I recovered I activated my comms. J'onn said,

"Schott, did you see where that missile came from?"

Over the comms I could some frantic typing. Then she heard Winn's voice come up,

"We have no heat signature, okay, there's no atmospheric disruption, there's no electromagnetic trail."

"J'onn, can you locate DuBois telepathically?" I questioned.

J'onn tensed as his eyes glowed red for about 7 seconds. Then he responded,

"I can't sense DuBois' mind."

Then there was a crackle heard in the comms, then static, then the techies' frustrated voice was heard.

"I don't get it." Curtis said.

"The cloaking device shouldn't be able to cloak a missile!" Winn was practically yelling.

Then a new voice was heard, that voice was immediately recognized as Oliver's,

"Then what just hit us and where the hell did it come from?"

I pondered that for a few seconds, then it hit me. I muttered thinking out loud,

"The pressure regulator wasn't meant for high altitude, it was meant for low altitude."

Then I spoke up more loudly so everyone could hear,

"They're under water!"

More typing then...

"I cannot track that explosion to the source, you guys." Curtis said exasperated.

"The radar isn't picking up any underwater signals." Winn added.

That's when J'onn's Director mode kicked in and he started barking orders. Which we were more than ok to follow.

"Danvers, Sawyer, stay on the waterfront."

"Supergirl, find that sub!"

I used my super-hearing to hone in on DuBois heart beat. Little by little I was getting closer. First I heard the crowd... then a baby crying... water bubbling... then, a heart beating! I didn't even think as i dove head first into the water. I did that knowing I can't breath underwater. I found the sub and I hit it disabling the cloaking device. They tried to launch another missile so I stopped it... then it exploded.

I was floating aimlessly... I could hear people shouting in my ear but I couldn't move. Then i went back to that sunny field. Back to my mom, back to Mon-El. 

"Wake Up!"

My eyes shot open and I realized that a missile was being launched. I caught it and pushed it back into the sub knocking out the power. I swam under it and lifted out of the water where I could breathe again. I was exhausted. I looked into the crowd to see everyone relieved.

Alex's POV

I felt a whoosh then I saw a blur a red and blue dive head first into the water.

"She can't breathe underwater."




I was calling her name. No response. Everyone was getting worried. After what seemed like hours, everyone heard a large creaking noise. Then a sub started to emerge from the water. Kara was lifting it out. I could finally let out that breath that I've been holding in for the past three minutes.

Narrator's POV

What no one realized was that one of DuBois' missiles hit a sleeping alien ship that was embedded into the rock. Now the ship was active. On board was 6 sleeping capsules... and one of them drained. And the once occupier of that capsule, was now awake... 


Hallelujah! This chapter is finally done.  Sorry it took so long. It was hard getting the exact quotes. And also school but now I have a week off so expect a couple more chapters. I am also starting a new Kariver book so that will be up soon. (;

-Isabel Zor-El

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