"Imra Ardeen, My Wife"

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Kara's POV

I can't believe him. I left the DEO. And when I came back, he was gone! I found him in that stupid ship with Winn! Turns out Winn help Mon-El get that glowing circle thing, an energy source maybe? Than the ship started malfunctioning and one of the sleeping pods broke. Whoever was in there was going to die, and they seemed important, important to Mon-El at least. He was punching and pounding on the glass but it would crack so I moved him aside and shattered it with one punch. A beautiful woman  man fell out and Mon-El gently guided her to the floor. We went back and brought the woman to the Medbay. I took Mon to the balcony.
"Who is she?"
We both turned our heads to see the girl from the ship. I saw Mon rush towards her.
Then, he passionately kisses her. If my heart wasn't broken before, it is now. No, it's not broken, it's shattered. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
"Kara, this is Imra Ardeen, my wife."
"Um Imra this is Kara Danvers, Supergirl."
I was too sad to be mad at him for exposing me without my consent. Mon sees the sadness in my eyes but Imra is oblivious. She grins.
"Wow! Supergirl! It's a true honor to meet you!"
I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to leave.
"Nice to meet you-, oh. I think I hear a bank robbery in progress."
"Need some help?"
"NO ,no I'm fine."
Then I flew to my apartment probably to cry. What I didn't expect was for someone to be there waiting for.

"Hi Kara."

A/N - Next chapter will be much longer trust me.

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