[ seven ]

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"Wh- why did u bring me here?" Jin asked.

"Because you asked me to." Jin heard her say, eyes still scanning the place, the grass under his feet crumbling as he did.

Around him were large stones immersed upright in the ground. Each contained the name of person, their birth and death dates.

"Wanna meet my mom?" Hana asked but Jin was too dumbfounded and confused to reply.

She simply caught his wrist and pulled him. They stopped  close to a gravestone. It had the name of a lady engraved on it with her birth and death date.

Hana left Jin's sleeve and slowly placed the flowers on the grave.

"Hey mom, meet my friend, Jin." she spoke to the gravestone.

And that's when Jin felt the warmth of a tear rolling down his cheek.

and that , my lovely readers , was the last chapter of this book . thank you so much for making it till here .

lil' brown girl is out .
byeeeeeeee .

edit : pls read the a / n in the next chapter . thank you .

- highjinic

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