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We had spent a month in our apartment and I had actually grown to like it, and was sad we had to leave.but if it was to keep Lorri safe, I'd go anywhere. I had a little more than half the money by now, but if Jeremy found us he wouldn't be happy unless it was all there. We had been on the road for a good hour now and I decided this time I would head up to the country this time. It was now January so the snow had melted, but it was still freezing. I gave Lorri a blanket to snuggle up with for the ride and stopped for coffee and gas when we first left. Time ticked by and it went from dawn to dusk by the time I found a secluded cabin. I wasn't sure if anyone lived there so I carefully approached the door and knocked. A woman answered the door. She has slick black hair and blue-green eyes. She was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, an long sleeved black shirt, and a animal fur vest/jacket over it. I busses she was in her thirties. She looked surprised to see someone at her front door, she probably doesn't get many visitors up here, and politely asked what I was doing here.

I smiled and replied, "I'm Jessica, and I'm sorry to barge up here like this, but I'm here with my little sister Lorri," I gestured to my truck where Lorri was waiting, "we are running away from a man named Jeremy, and if we don't pay him, he'll kill us."

"My names Malissa," she smiled but then looked concerned, "and why is someone after you?"

I explained what happened, and asked If we could use a spare bed room if she had one.

She grinned, "yeah, you are more than welcome to stay with me for as long as you need. I get lonely up here, and you two can help keep me company."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!," I responded filled with glee as I went to get Lorri out of the car, who was watching me talk to Malissa.

I told Lorri that Malissa told us that we could stay, and she was happy, but still worried. I reassured her that we were going to be ok, and asked her to get one of the bags. I started to get the stuff out of the car and bring it to the guest room. The guest bedroom was beautiful. It smelt like warm cinnamon, and had an comforting look to it. The bed was made of dark wood, and carved on it were trees, and acorns, it was depicting the forest outside. One of the blankets felt as soft as a cats fur, but it turned out to be fake deer fur. Lorri told me she was up tired form all the traveling, so I let her hop in the bed and sleep. I didn't know how long we would be able to safely stay here, but I would try to stay for as long as possible.

After a week or so, I was able to find a part time job working at a hunting store, as cashier. We were doing very well for a while.

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