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after I put the food in the cabinets, that I had gone out to buy, I we t to say hello to Lorri. She was watching the news, the only channel we got in the cabin, she didn't really like it.

"How was your day?," she turned and gave me a bright eyed smile.

It had been a month with Malissa, and Lorri had started to enjoy it. I would still be cautious as to what I did, but it was after all very enjoyable up here.

"It was fine Lorri, how was yours?"

"Mine was good," she replied happily, "Malissa taught me how to care for some of the animals she looks after."

Malissa was a animal caretaker, she would help and temporally house the wounded animals she was treating. She was wonderful at her job, and Lorri, being an animal lover herself, adored her profession. She wanted to be a veterinarian herself when she grew up as a matter of fact.

"Lorri, that's great!," I said encouragingly, as I took a seat next to her on the couch, "anything new on the new?"

"Well," she glanced at the tv, "only stuff about government funds or whatever, but nothing out of the normal."

"Okiedokie," I replied and raised the volume to see what was on. Lorri snuggled back into my arms and I was believing that we were going to wind up ok after all.

I was wrong.

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