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I had to get Lorri somewhere safe. I thought the attic would be as safe as possible, without leaving the cabin. The attics entrance could be accessed only by a door in our closet. She had followed me up to the bedroom when I was looking for a place to hid her.

"Come here Lorri, " I said as I picked her up in my arms.

"What are you doing?," she asked probably because of he stern look on my face.

"I'm putting you in the attic with the house phone," she didn't ask me anymore, she was scared, and I could tell. She was shaking and nuzzling into my shoulder, as if that were the safest place in the world.

We got to the back of the attic and I set her down with the blankets and pillows I had brought before hand. I also gave her the phone to hold on too. I kneeled down to her level and wrapped her in my arms. She had started to cry silently and I rubbed my hand through the hair to calm her down.

"Your going to be ok," I said as I sat her down and got up to leave.

"How can you be sure?", she inquired at my forceful tone.

I had my hand on the door about to close it, "I'm putting an end to all the running we have had to do, once and for all." The blood was boiling in my veins and Fire in my eyes, I closed the door and hid it to where no one would find it.

I walked to my bed side table and retrieved my revolver I purchased at the hunting shop. I had been practicing shooting and I was pretty good. Then I went downstairs. He would be here any minuet, and I spent that time gathering up all my anger to use on him. I took my place hovering by a curtained window, which I opened enough so I could stick my gun out. I heard an engine roar and saw Jeremy pull up. He was by himself, no gang members, I was confused why he came alone but I didn't care. It started pouring down rain too, cold rain at that. It was still freezing outside so this was going to suck. He was angry, I could see it by the look of pure hatred in his eyes, and his gritted teeth. He had a gun in hand, and meant business.

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