Kyutama Quest Arc 2 + First part of Kamen Rider Gamer

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Act I: Arc 2: Scorpio Arc:Episode 7: Andros' Execution:

A dragon resembling the Red Dragon Thunderzord fling in front of the sun until a mysterious orange jet fighter comes and a couple of smaller red and blue fighters come in and a chase across the dragon is revealed to be Purple and the Purple Ranger fires his gun at the fighters but strikes at the weak point of the Purple Dragon. Meanwhile Andros is getting ready to be executed for a crime he didn't commit through the Galactic Senate, including villainous dudes redeemed like a redeemed Elgar, who's more serious than Turbo and in Space. Andros tells everyone that the dark evil that killed Athena's mother was named Zeus. At first they don't believe him, then they see a silhouette of a man wearing a tall jacket. And the figure seems to shock Athena somehow, like he seems familiar to her somehow. The dragon crashes on Earth, and after the trial for Andros' life or death is over, in a park-ish area; the Chosen Nine are told of their fighting ability by a dragon like creature named Gennai, and after dying, leaving a Kyutama Crystal behind and Andros gets it, and essentially becomes Gennai Andros Complete with a cloak similar to Digimon's own Gennai, and Andros gives the Black and Blue Rangers a speech that some Kyutama gives them transformation powers to turn human, but they must be in alien form to morph, and the human form has a time limit of 20 minutes (much like runtime of Sentai series without commercials Dynaman to Megaranger). And a monster that turned super after a conflict from another fight from earlier that was only mentioned (both fights) grows, Megazord fight, and introduction of the Namco Place's front (that reveals the name), with a good mixture of games, from timeless games like Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga, space-agey games like Lost World Arcade, maybe include Magical Truck Adventure if you can find a decent condition (or a similar case with Rapid River) and Star Wars Trilogy Arcade, and even Pinball games (seriously wouldn't it be cool if Stern made a Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Game and sent it to bowling alleys, pizza places, whatever though if I could have some creative input, put both the Green and White Rangers in one way or another). Athena tells the Rangers that Superior Cranston would like to talk to the 10 fighters because of a 13-year-old who just so happens to be his son.

Episode 8: Boy to Man:

A voice of Glee appears and a Bear Zord charging at light speed. Billy/Superior Cranston says the kid's autistic and a bit hyper. Lum goes "Lum's autistic too, Lum has feelings too." Cranston goes, "Yeah, but you've learned a lot too, The Kid needs to control himself, so I'm picking Jon" Jon goes "What, the Kid was useless against me in the Intergalactic Tournament" After an exchange, the kid appears and everyone but Jon cared. Jon remembers in "His sophomore year in high school when a non verbal kid punched him in the pelvic area (Which plays out like a British sitcom)" and the kid wants to go to Jon and explains his half human half Aquitian nature, and puts a wig on the kid to avoid discrimination, but that's not enough. Athena tells that 2 monsters are attacking two parties need to be set up. Jon reluctantly joins up with Hector Cranston. Japanese footage: Hector and Jon fight the monster, and American footage of a similar location: the 3 hitmen damage Henry so badly he can't fight as well. The monster is defeated, but a new threat appears, what is called the with a volcanic hellish background "Sand Beast". Andros remembers him, but doesn't know why... after rising from the underground, Andros, Dan, and Hector go from the Dragonfire Megazord, and they win.

Episode 9: Bittersweet Victory: Kyutama research center: Andros is feeling nostalgia for his Red Ranger Days, but he notices Henry, acting funny. He'll turn into a Taronian and human at random times, with no consistency. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Trio, at a parkish area give a challenge to the 11 Kyutama Rangers to fight them in 13 hours or Athena will commit suicide (by mind control) over falling down the Genm Building, formerly the Ziktor Building. The 10 Rangers who aren't the Black Ranger go in, but they get curb stomped. Henry goes, "I want to fight, but not at the risk of death." So as the clock gets faster and faster over a mysterious force, He realizes what he must do, and saves a videotape for Davis, in case this is his final battle. The Black Ranger says, "I may have a death wish, but I'm a Power Ranger" As the Blue Ranger gets his big "No!" out and the Black Ranger appears! Then the Black Ranger makes bad puns aimed at Butch like "Can I axe you a question" and "Axactly", the other Rangers join the fight and after a roll call the Mighty 11 is formed. They team up with the Kyutama Megazord + The DragonFire Megazord, to form the Dragon Kyutama Megazord, but Henry demorphs and as soon as he hits the ground. He turns human and spits out blood and an before breathing his last breath, says "Thank you" to the other 10 Kyutama Rangers and gives them the thumbs up. The 3pisode ends with "Memories of Davis and Henry" on videotape (guerrilla style). After the credits roll, a shadowy figure spits on a grave.

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