Chapter 4 - To bid farewell

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Kate was speechless. She was shaking, and her mind was swirling like crazy. That was too unbelievable, too terrible to be true.

"What... What was she like?" she asked, when she finally found words.

Tawarthion smiled.

"She was as smart as a Guardian of Wisdom and as brave as a Guardian of Might. And as powerful as only a Guardian of Elements can be."

So, that's why you sometimes call me Andúril..." Things were starting to come together.

"You're just like her. Same blue silky fur, same blue eyes. You know, it was her who has created our valley."

"So... we sleep in the same den as she used to sleep in? Walk the same paths? Is that why I have that feeling when I come to the borders of this forest?"

"This forest has always belonged to a Guardian of Elements. When your mother gave her gem to you, you also inherited her domain, a Guardian's land."

"And what about my father? Who was he?"

"She never told us. She never had the time..." he said, sad.

Tears were crawling into Kate's eyes.

"Why... why have you never told me?"

"You weren't ready. You still aren't, but I cannot wait any longer," said Tawarthion in a tired tone.

"I wasn't ready? I... You never even considered I would like to know what has happened to my mother??" Now, she was shaking with anger. "And why to tell me now, all of sudden? Just because today is the three years anniversary of my mother's death??" She was becoming furious, and bushes behind her began to smolder.

"No. Because it's time for you to take up your duties as a Guardian."


"Listen. That deer you found in the forest, you were right. That was no animal what wounded it. It was a human." Unlike her, he was calm.

"Stop talking in riddles! What does it mean?"

"Humans, they... are not like other animals. They spread and conquer and kill for sport. And now, those under the influence of Raya's curse are boundless. She's taken away all goodness, all love in them. They would destroy this place if we allowed them to. Before, creating an obstacle like a river or dense undergrowth or scaring them a bit was enough to keep them in check. But now, they have no respect, no love to be shown for nature. I'm trying to say that it's time for you to continue your mother's job: to maintain the balance."

Kate has never felt so many emotions at the same time.

"But I don't even know what that means! And besides, what's the point of that now? You said we can't defeat Raya. What can we do? We should find the other Guardians and at least try to plot something!"

"That's the second part, Kate. We can no longer stay together."

"What? Why?" Kate couldn't understand again.

Tawarthion turned to her. Suddenly, he was looking very old.

"Kate, I am exhausted. We are only as powerful as our domains are prospering, and I've been away from mine for three long years. Even though the other Guardians promised me to take care of my lands, they can't do everything. I have to return home."

Kate looked at him. This wasn't the same stag she had known for those years.

"Fine, so let's go to your lands together! I'd like to see your home."

"No! Haven't you heard me? You must stay here, to protect your home. Otherwise, humans would overrun it. Please, don't make this harder." Tawarthion turned to the path leading back to the forest.

"No! I... I won't let you go!" shouted Kate with tears in her eyes. She attempted to create a rock wall in front of him, but all she managed to do was to raise a few stones, which collapsed immediately. Tawarthion stopped and smiled.

"One day, you will be as strong as your mother. And on that day, I will be standing by your side." And with that, he entered the forest and plants closed behind him.

"Wait!" Kate ran after him, but Tawarthion had disappeared. The singing of birds she had heard all her life stopped. For the first time, she was alone.

She didn't know what to do. She had never been alone before. Even when she went on her adventures, she could count on Tawarthion to be there if she ran into trouble. Now, that feeling of safety was gone.

She slowly returned to her valley. Why was all this happening? Why she couldn't remember her mother? Why had the Guardian of Hearts betrayed them? What was so wrong about having a child?

When she arrived at the valley, it was late afternoon. She lay down next to the pond again and played with water drops. She had to think of something. Again and again, she was repeating Tawarthion's words in her mind. To become a Guardian... What did that mean? And protecting this forest from threats, what else but from humans? She didn't even know what they looked like. At least she had seen what they were capable of. To kill an innocent animal just for fun... She was disgusted by that.

But if she stayed and protected the forest, what good would it bring? There was a Guardian on the loose, and even if she managed to keep the plague out, it wouldn't solve the problem. As long as Raya was out there, no heart was safe. But she knew it wasn't that simple. She couldn't hurt her with her powers. At least not directly. However, her mother managed to harm Raya by throwing her down from the cliff. Maybe she would be able to think of something similar.

But was killing her the only option? And what would follow, who would become the Guardian of Hearts? Raya wouldn't give her gem to someone like Andúril did. If only she could be here. To help her, guide her.

Kate fell asleep. She dreamt about the times of old, when all seven Guardians lived in harmony. When she woke up, the dusk was near. She watched the last sunrays disappear. Suddenly, all became clear. She had to find the other Guardians. Learn from them. Bring them back together. And then, maybe, she could prove Raya wrong. She posed no danger. She was Andúril's daughter. She was the Guardian of Elements.

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