Chapter 6 - Lands of the wise

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It had been two days now that Kate was without any food. Back in her forest, there were blueberry bushes almost everywhere, so she could pick a berry almost anytime. Here, there were no bushes or fruit trees, just one infinite pale meadow with several thorny trees. It was getting into her mind. She could navigate just by those trees, and there was no visible destination in sight. And although it wasn't too hot, she was thirsty too. But all she could do was to travel from tree to tree.

It was late afternoon, when she was near the fourth one. But suddenly, she saw something new in the grass. A footprint. And it there wasn't only one. A line of footprints was leading towards that tree. She followed them and then hid in the grass as best as she could. Under that tree, there was a beige caracal, and around it, three small cubs were playing.

The caracal was slightly bigger than Kate, with beige, almost golden short fur. It had black pointy ears and yellow eyes, and a short tail. Its kittens were small, probably no older than a few months. All four felines were perfectly camouflaged in the pale grass, so if the cubs didn't make so much noise, Kate would have trouble finding them just by her eyes.

She slowly came closer. Despite her efforts, the caracal noticed her but didn't seem to be hostile, so she stopped sneaking. As she was slowly walking towards the family, she was trying to remember the time when she was the same small, playful kitten.

"They're adorable," she said aloud.

"Thank you."

Kate almost made a backflip.


"I said thank you for adoring my children." The cat was speaking in a soft, female voice.

"You... can talk?" Kate had no idea what to think. The caracal mother looked at her curiously.

"Of course, I can, why shouldn't I be able to speak?"

"I... I don't know, I've never met an animal which could speak..." Kate was confused.

"And where are you from? Here, we can all speak. But sometimes," – she turned to her children, and Kate noticed that they were chattering about her, – "I wish some of us were quiet for a moment, when we have a guest." The cubs stopped talking and just stared at Kate.

"No, no, I don't mind," she said quickly. "I am from the forest far to the west. There are many animals there, but not a one which could talk." She remembered Tawarthion. "Well, at least not like you."

"I've heard of that forest, but I've never been there. So, you're new around here?"

"Well, yes. I am travelling and searching for... my friends. Oh, and I am Kate," she introduced herself.

"I'm Fellas, and these are my children. They are not yet old enough to get a name from Him."

The three cubs lined up and smiled. Kate almost laughed because of how silly they were looking. One stepped forward.

"Will you play with us, nice blue kitty?"

Kate was flattered. "I'd love to, but I'm starving. Could you please show me where to find some food and drink?"

"Ah, of course, I'll show you around. You can find all you need here if you're clever enough to know where to look. Let's start with water, because it'll take some time for it to gather. Come." Fellas walked out of the tree's shade, followed by her cubs.

"Look. What color is the grass?"

"Well, it's pale yellow."

"You have to look closer. Try again," Fellas smiled.

Only now, Kate noticed small patches of slightly greener grass, almost invisible for her untrained eye.

"You see? These are green because there's more water in the soil under them." She went to one such patch and began digging, her children instantly mimicking her. Kate joined them, and the deeper she was digging, the wetter the soil was becoming. Soon, there was a pretty deep hole.

"Now, we have to wait for the water to pour from the soil into the hole. That may take some time."

Kate got an idea.

"Maybe it doesn't have to. Do you want to see a trick?" she turned to the cubs.

"A trick? What trick? You can do a roll?"

"Something better," she smiled. She bent over the hole and her gem lit up with blue light. Water began to flow from the ground, forming a liquid orb above the hole. When it was big enough, Kate let the water ball descend into it.

"Wow, that was awesome! How did you do it? Can you teach us how to do it?" The cubs were amazed, but their mother seemed to be scared a little.

"That gem you have on your chest... You... You're just like Him, like the Wise One. I don't know what to say..." Fellas bent down her head in respect. "I'm sorry if I insulted you somehow."    

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