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??? POV:

As I walk to deliver some fruits, meats, and other stuff to the castle I see a group of strange haired people talking in front of the door. I hear a little bit of their conversation, 

"It's a promise then, we'll meet again...someday." just as I was walking past, three of the four people left and the one that staid, the yellow haired one, ran up to me.

 "Ah here miss, I'll take those from you," he says suddenly. 

"Oh well, thank you for the offer, but I would like to take it myself, so they know I did my job." I say without stopping.

Zeno's POV:

"Well at least let me accompany you, miss. It's a big castle, don't want you to get lost, right?" I try to convince the strange woman. 

She gives me a soft smile, "Thank you, sir."

"Zeno, my name is Zeno" I don't know what possessed me to tell this stranger my name, but I felt like I could trust her, like she would always be there for me. Always,  a term that felt so real to me. I would eventually outlive her, she would end up dying, while I would live on. 

"Well Zeno it's nice to meet you, my name is (Y/N)"

We soon reached the storage rooms. After I showed her where to put everything, I led her back to the front gates

"Thanks again for guiding me, Zeno" she said with another soft smile.

"It's no problem miss (Y/N), i'm happy to help!" I said a bit excitedly, happy to make a new friend.

 "Until we meet again, Zeno" 

"Yeah until we meet again, miss (Y/N)" 


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