8: The Priest

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The journey was uneventful for the most part, the group took this as a chance to get to know each other more. They grew close during the two weeks they were moving, but they soon came to their destination, former King Hiryuu's palace.

"This is as far as I go. I'm sorry, but as much as I want to, I can't go in." The white haired male sounded sad, but tried to act indifferent.

The two others gave a small nod. "Thank you for taking us this far, I am in your debt."

Kajill ran and gave him a hug, "Thank you for everything!"

And with that, the three parted ways. The man, heading the way they came and the woman and child, heading forward.

Upon getting to the gate, a yellow haired man greeted them. "Eh- (Y/N), Is that you?" He started looking back at the way they came, searching for someone.

"Zeno? It's been awhile, how have you been?" The woman gave a confused smile, "What are you looking for?"

Zeno shook his head, all his attention now on the woman and the child, "Oh nothing, I just thought I heard someone with you." He smild back at the woman, "It has been awhile! I've been great, how about you? Oh-! And who's this?" He gave a gentle smile and a little wave to the boy.

(Y/N) nudged the boy, who was now attempting to hide behind her, in front of her, "This is Kajill, my uh- little brother. Well, not by blood. I helped him out awhile back and he now refuses to leave me alone." She chuckled, rubbing the boys hair.

"Hey!" Kajill pouted in protest, "You're the one who won't leave me alone!"

Zeno and (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at Kajill's outburst, earning a small glare and another pout from the boy.

After a couple minutes of teasing Kajill, they finally got back on topic. "Hey Zeno, I was told that I needed to find and talk to the priest here. Do you know where we could find them?"

Zeno's eyes filled with curiosity, "I am the priest, what did you need?"

"You're the priest?! I never would have guessed." Just then a guard walked past, "Can we talk somewhere more... Private? What I have to tell you is very important."

Zeno grew serious, "Of course, follow me."

Take My Hand-- (Zeno x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن