6: What went wrong

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Narrator's POV

Okay.... Everything went wrong...

Climbing down was easy, even with the added weight of Kajill. Just keep putting one foot below the other and everything will be-

Not fine. Obviously.

She had just started going down when the first arrow came. More followed after the first until the only way to not certainly die was to, ironically, let go and fall the rest of the way there.

As she let go, an arrow stabbed into her arm.

Acting on pure adrenaline, she clung onto the smaller boy, positioning herself under him. Preparing to take the brunt of the fall.

Before they had reached the bottom Kajill had passed out.


Please... I don't care what happens to me.... Please, let Kajill survive.

??? POV

He was quite far from his newly founded village. I mean, where else was he gonna find all of the good prey?

He lightly touched his bandaged arm, hearing the sound of running footsteps.

"Hey! She's over here!"

"Get her!"

"Archers ready! Fire!"

The voices filled the air.

He cautiously made his way behind them. Bandits.

He unraveled his bandages, revealing a white dragon claw. He quickly cut down the bandits, and ran over to the cliff to see a woman letting go of the cliff. A child on her back.

Couldn't she hear him? Didn't she realize that they were safe now?

Without much more thought he jumped after her
The trees slowed her fall, allowing him to catch up and grab her unconscious body.

He used his dragon arm to soften his fall, so when they crashed, he only had a few minor scratches.

He laid the woman and child down. The child only had a small scratch on his side, while the woman had several large scratches from crashing into the branches. Well, and an arrow in her shoulder.

He grasped the arrow in his hand, and after a sharp pull, it was out. He used his bandages to wrap up the woman's shoulder.

They would probably prefer something to eat an drink when they wake up.

With that thought he left to find a water source and some prey.

Take My Hand-- (Zeno x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin