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Narrators  POV:

"Did you deliver the stuff?" a masked man asked a small, what can be assumed, little boy. The little boy shivered, most likely from terror, he was dressed in a long green tunic,  gray trousers, and no shoes. He had bruises all over his small body, one can only wonder how such a tiny boy had come to get so many bruises. The man on the other hand was dressed in a expensive looking, green and red tunic, brown and gold trousers, black shoes, and on his face was a gold and purple mask, hiding his face perfectly from view. He was more than a bit chubby, and smelled of alcohol.

"Y-yes I did, here's your m-money," the little boy squeaked out, terror evident in his tone. He hands the man a envelope, a wax seal keeping it closed. The man glances a it the throws a small coin at the boy.

"Now leave, you lower class scum," the man spat out. The little boy quickly exits, and in his haste runs into a woman that was walking past. The boy falls to the ground, adding one more bruise to his hundreds of others. The boy tenses up ready to receive a hit, or get yelled at, for running into the woman.

"Oh no, are you ok?!" the woman asked--more like yelled, she quickly helps the boy up and notices all his bruises. The boy's eyes widen 

"Why-no how did you get so many bruises, little one?" the woman asked.

The little boy stayed silent. This is to good to be true. Realizing that the boy wouldn't talk the woman took off her coat and put it around the boy.

"Here, why don't we go to where I'm staying at and I can fix you up," with that the woman led the little boy towards what he assumed was her camp.

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