Jack's POV 😱

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Finally, they've caught the stupid rats that were trying to escape the island.
I can't belive they actually thought I was their friend. They are so naive.

I have nothing against them, it's just that I was assigned to watch them to make sure they don't escape.

Who assigned me this mission you ask? Well obviously my father, the ruler of this island, Derek Manchester.

Something else the rest of my "friends" didn't know was that most if them were experiments of my father.

My father and I are magicians, sorcerers, whatever you want to call it. He loved experimenting with human subjects.

The most successful subjects were subject S5A (I know, sounds like a Samsung phone type) and subject T6Y

I had a half sister, "had".
8 years ago, she was killed by my mother because she wasn't her child. Father had then banished mother to somewhere else, somewhere horrible.
Father was crushed. My sister was the most innocent and beautiful child and I loved her.
What I didn't know was after she died, my father tried to bring her back. He built a new and artificial body for her spirit and somehow, he successfully implanted her soul and emotions into the body he made.
Thus creating subject S5A, the first successful creation and experiment.

The next subject, subject T6Y, was given many potions and injections.
The amount of potions and injections she was given had gifted her with inhuman strength and durability. They have increased awareness and reaction time. Subject T6Y was the last successful subject my father has had.

Now, time to check on the prisoners.
I have access to live video footage all around the island, except the waterfall house.

I decide to watch prison cell A2 first.
In prison cell A2, we have Selina and Taya.
Taya punches a wall, leaving a dent in the area she punched.
"I can't believe I trusted him, I knew something was off, UGH," Taya shouted.
"I know, I know, but you need to calm down. I need you to be calm, you're not thinking straight. We need to figure a way out and find the others," Selina says in a comforting tone, trying to calm Taya down.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Taya shouted and glared at Selina, a tear forming in the corner of her right eye.

Selina didn't move, but just stared back at Taya. Then she suddenly hugged her, and whispered comforting things into her ear.
Taya stopped looking angry and just hugged back and tears fell down her cheeks.

Ugh. Not much entertainment there. It just looks pathetic. Let's change the cell camera to... Cell B4.

Cell B4 contains Faye and Kim. I feel a little bad, but Faye was the one in love, not me. I can't get too attached to her now.

Faye was crying on Kim's shoulder.

"W-Why, H-how could he," Faye started, her voice kept cracking.

Kim just put her arm around Faye and rubbed her shoulder in a comforting way.

Why is EVERYONE crying. This is no fun.

What time is it... 12:25 pm.
I should find some lunch, my dad is too busy working, so I grab some money and buy from one of the stores on the island

I go to Burger Queen and get a bacon burger to go, and I head back to my room. I check the cells for the prisoners and...

They're gone.

Ugh, My dad will kill me

I know, it's shorter than usual but the next chapter will be longer than usual, promise.

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