Chapter 3

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Hello lovelies! I just wanna take a moment to thank all of you, our readers for getting our book (the boy behind the camera) to 1K reads!! It's absolutely amazing! Anyways onto the story!


After my classes I got a text from Chris

Chris: hey :) wanna hang out?

Me: hey! Sure, now?

Chris: yeah I mean if that's okay with you?

Me: yeah sure! Where do we meet?

Chris: maybe we could get some coffee and go for a walk?

Me: that sound's nice sure

Chris: okay see you!

I turned off my phone with a smile, "what are you so happy about?" Megan asked.

"Oh uh nothing, it's nothing."

"Come on spill!"

"Chris asked me to hang out."

"Faith, I'm not even lying you're the luckiest girl on campus! You share a dorm room with Shawn Mendes and Chris asked you to hang out, oh my fucking gosh!"

I smiled at her comment, "well I gotta go." I hugged her and left to the cafe. I found Chris sitting at a table with 2 coffee's he got up and handed one to me. 

"Hey," he smiled. 

"Hi." I smiled in return. 

"Shall we?" He asked, and I nodded.

We headed out of the cafe I saw Shawn outside, I started walking faster remembering him telling me to stay away from Chris. Too late his eyes were on us, I pretended I didn't notice and I decided to have a good time. "So how are classes?" I asked him. 

"Pretty good actually, yours?" 

"I hate my professor she talks way too fast." He laughed.

"So I hear that you share a dorm with Shawn." He said coldly.

"Yeah..but I hate him so."

"Oh." His expression turned back to normal.

We walked and talked for around 30minutes until I decided to go back to the dorm.

"Chris, I'm gonna go I have an assignment to work on," I said. 

"Oh okay bye." He gave me a hug. I waved to him and left to my dorm.

I unlocked the door and went inside, "I thought I told you to stay away from Chris!" He yelled. I shrugged, 

"I don't care what you say, he's a good guy." 

"No he's not."

"What do you have so against him?"



"He stole her from me."

"Wait so a girl actually fell for you? And you loved her?" I laughed.

He frowned. "This is not what it's about."

"Well I will not stay away from him!" I said.

"He's a bad guy, you don't know anything."

"He's not like you."


"Can we just work on the assignment?" I asked. He nodded. He handed me some papers, 

Figuring out the Bad boy //  Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now