The Negotiation...

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John followed Ludovic through the hallways, looking anxiously behind him every few seconds, wondering whether or not Mycroft, Molly and Lucy got out safe. He wanted more than anything to go with them, go home and relax, but he couldn't. He wasn't going anywhere without Sherlock.

"How far?" John whispered, adjusting his gun as groups of guards crawled through the hallway across them.

Ludovic squinted at his map-apparently he'd had several stuffed in his pockets-and cleared his throat, "Not far. A few hallways-"

"It surprise's me how slow you two are," the walls seemed to vibrate from a cool, sly voice that blared from an intercom. John recognized it immediately. Jamen. "I almost sent my guards down to get you. But I suppose it's better to let you think you'll win."

"You can see us?" John hollered, keeping his voice even. Even though his heart was pounding against his chest like drums.

"Of course I can!" The voice laughed, "You think I spent half a million dollars on security so I could switch off the cameras and let intruders get away? To be fair, I guess I did let your friends go, but that's for another time."

John swallowed as Ludovic clenched his fists, for once looking serious, "You let us beat up your guards because you wanted us to think we were winning?"

"Of course not, that was actually unexpected. I shouldn't have underestimated you, John. I understand why Sherlock keeps you around now, other than to pull him out of the idiotic situations he gets himself in. Tell me, does he still lock himself in his room like an insolent child whenever he doesn't get what he wants?"

"Shut up," John wanted to throw an insult back at the man, but his thoughts became too erratic and hazy as several armed men appeared in front of him. They each wore dark clothes, bullet proof vests and held a gun in their left hand. Ludovic's gasp as he turned around confirmed John's fear that he'd see more men behind him. They were surrounded.

"I've got a deal for you. Each of these lovely men-who have incredibly accurate aim, I assure you-are programmed to follow my thoughts. Now, I really feel like killing something, today's been rather stressful for me and I'm not particularly appreciative of you beating up my men. However, Sherlock's having some trouble adjusting to his new home. I'm afraid he'll loose his sanity if he doesn't have anyone in there with him. He keeps flipping off all my scientists, so if you surrender, and agree to stay with Sherlock...I'll consider letting you live."

John reached into his pocket, gripping his gun tightly, "How generous." He muttered, keeping his eyes firmly on the men's guns. He wished Sherlock could be there at that moment, he always came up with ways to get out of dangerous situations such as this. He could always find a way to dodge death. But John was alone. He had to figure out a way to get out himself.

"Ha! If you think were just going to surrender-"

"We'll do it. We surrender." John interrupted Ludovic, dropping his gun to the floor and sliding it across the hallway.

"John, what are you...?" Ludovic started, but cut off as John shot him a look. A look Sherlock had given John many times, a look that meant he knew what he was doing.

"Wonderful. I hate cleaning up unnecessary messes. If you'll be polite enough to follow my amazing assistants, I'll make sure to-"

"On one condition." John squared his shoulders, ignoring the searing sting of all the eyes-and probably guns-staring at him.

Jamen was silent for a few moments, "I'm sorry?"

"I will surrender, on one condition. Did you not hear me the first time?"

An Awkward Situation....(a Sherlock story)Where stories live. Discover now