Nerf gun war!

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Mitch's POV

I go back to the movie and see every one of the boys with a Nerf gun pointed straight at me! "Guys... What are u doing?" I say as I slowly start to back away. "Just having fun!" Adam responds. I start to run. "GET HIM!" Jerome yells.

Out of the blue we start to play some kind of paintball thing with Nerf guns! Except the people on your team can save you. In that case I have NOBODY! I run into Cassidy's room very quietly. Though she wakes up. Jerome comes barging into the room. I was about to say something when Jerome cut me off.

"I'm going to be on your team though, don't tell the others." "Ok" I respond. "Wait here while I take a few of them out by surprise. I won't be far so listen incase I yell for backup." Jerome says.

"Got it." I say. Cassidy is now up and ready to fight except there's one problem. "Jerome, Cassidy doesn't have a gun..." I start, "I'll pretend I'm taking the best ones to hide, then and bring them here go back and fight. And remember, you just need to takeout the person who shot me to revive me, kinda like mission impossible. And if your alone in a room, both teams are in a group message." He replies.

Jerome's POV

I started going downstairs. I got to be sneaky. Suddenly Adam pops up ready to shoot! "Dood it's just me!" I quickly say. "Oh" he says. "I've checked the rooms they aren't there." I say trying to make sure nobody goes up there. "I bet Mitch will try to get a gun for Cassidy so I better get the best ones or at least some good ones and all the extra bullets" I rush over to the big chest thing full of guns. I grab the best ones and some good ones to let her choose. I run back upstairs.

"Where are you going with those?" Adam ask. "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be patrolling a special area or something?" I ask him "I'm patrolling the stairs, and like I said before, where are you going with those?" I'm going to hide then in a room somewhere." I reply then quickly, yet not to suspiciously (A/N hey that rhymed!) run up stairs into Cassidy's room. I let her pick her gun. She chose the "Mega Ultra Power 3000". (I'm not good with guns XD)

Then when we are all ready to fight, I go down first and try to not look to suspicious. "Where did you put the- next thing you knew he was on the floor texting for help. We run out trying not to make to much noise. Suddenly Jason pops out of no where and shoots Mitch. I make a run for it while I see Jason taking Cassidy's gun while she reloads and takes her somewhere. I quickly sneak up behind Jason and get him in the back.

Mitch gets back up and we get Cassidy's gun back. Now we need to find Ty, Ian and apparently Quentin is playing. We split up to cover more ground. I decide to go outside just too find Ian and Ty discussing something. I quickly shoot them before they c an react. I text Cassidy and Mitch that we just need to find Quentin. We all get together in the kitchen and decide to check his room. "He probably won't be in their." Cassidy says. "You never know" I reply.

We quietly sneak up the stairs and just strait up barge into Quentin's room, and there he is! Not expecting anything, we all stat shooting him like crazy! "AHHHH" he starts screaming, "STOP STOP!" We all start to laugh. "WE WON DA HUNGER DEANS!" Mitch screams.

We all decide to go to sleep since it almost 1:00 am. "Wow, that took ages!" I say to Mitch and Cass. They both agreed.

Cassidy's POV

"That.Was. AWESOME!" I say to Mitch as he says goodnight to me in bed. "I agree." He responds. "Why did we do that anyway?" I ask Mitch "I really do t know, after I put you too bed the first time, when I went back down they all had Nerf guns pointed at me!" Mitch says to me. "Hehe" I say when he's done. "Well goodnight baby." He says to me. "Goodnight" I reply.


I really hope you enjoyed chapter four of "Adopted by... Bajancanadian?" And btw thank you so much for just about 60 reads! That means so much on my first ever book! Again slap dat vote button with you forehead if you liked or just want more of this book! So ya join the galaxy today and I'll see all you Stars later.


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