1 - What the Actual F-

472 17 29

Warning: Swearing and inappropriate comedy ahead.


Peaceful, sunny days without a cloud in the sky are most people's dream come true. Waking up after a nice nap in a meadow of flowers sounds nice! But were you happy when you found yourself in that situation?

No. No you were not. In fact, it went a little something like this, in a quiet, mumbled voice...

"What the fuck?"

Your eyes were burning. Even on a bright day your windows didn't often blare sunlight into your eyes, they just weren't the right angle. You had hoped it wasn't your light, you didn't want the electric bill to spike.

When you were officially awake, though, you wished it had just been the electric bill.

(Y/n), you were in the midst of nowhere.

You scrambled backwards, your (h/c) bedhead getting in the way of your sight, making it difficult for your eyes to comprehend what was before you all the more. You ran your hand through your hair, pushing it backwards as you blinked rapidly to adjust to the sunlight.

Everything was wrong. Your stomach was in a knot at what you recognized as a dangerous situation - you had no idea where you were! That was horrifying!

"I...." You gaped at your surroundings. "I'm not in Kansas anymore."

This place wasn't like home. Home wasn't this pretty. The sky was the most pleasant shade of blue, and only graceful clouds speckled the sky over the rolling hills. You seemed to be in the middle of a glade with dense forest on all sides. The only noise was that of the birds and rabbits of the underbrush.

"I was kidnapped," you muttered, scampering to your feet. "I was kidnapped, and I'm gonna die."

You started looking around, about to start heading in some direction before you began to notice the strange feeling all around you. These weren't even your clothes!

You wore a (f/c) tunic sewn of what felt like cotton, brown trousers, and what was strangest was of all, a matching brown leather breastplate, gauntlets, boots, and belt with a pouch that were tightened around your clothes.

"Never mind," you decided, pulling at the fabrics. "I was a black-out drunk at Comic-Con. That must be it! Right?"

You had absolutely no idea what to do, or who you were talking to, but one thing was for sure: you weren't the type cut out for this situation. When you were stressed like this, you tended to rant to yourself in a nonsensical manner.

"No, wait, I remember last night. I was watching (favorite show), and I wanted pizza. Yeah!" You threw your hands in the air. "Couldn't have been black-out drunk Comic-Con!"

Why was that somehow worse?

"Okay..." you looked around the area as a warm breeze swept the meadow. "So where am I?"

That was when you heard sounds in the distance.

They weren't the pleasant sounds of woodland creatures, or any sort of vehicle coming to save your rear end.

Clomp, clomp, clomp. Horses hooves, definitely; and the voices of their riders were deep, yet obnoxiously loud and seemingly cheerful. Logically, you decided, who else would be coming to find you but whoever brought you here?

The options were a kindly equestrian, or a psychopath that you didn't want to meet. So you ran to cover.

Instincts taking over, your legs did their primitive job and ran. You didn't even know you were reacting at first, but once you focused you were looking around for a place to hide. The glade was vast, and the riders voices were louder, closer. You slid behind a large rock and hoped they wouldn't look.

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