3 ~ Wet Rain, Sticky Mud

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The next day you had to walk again, despite them having an extra pony along with them. Thorin turned him into a carrier pony, just to give Gandalf an excuse as to why you couldn't ride. Also, you would feel bad - it was a pony, not a grown horse to carry you.

You walked next to Bilbo and Gandalf, with Fili and Kili ahead of you and Bifur and Bofur behind. They seemed the least hostile towards you.

"Can't you do anything about this blasted rain, Gandalf?!"

You had to agree. At this point, the mud was caking your boots and splattered to your knees, and your whole body was heavy with the weight of the water stuck to your clothes and hair. You were suddenly grateful for the random leather armor you had awoken with.

"It is raining, master dwarf!" Gandalf called back to Dori. "And it will continue to rain until the rain is done! If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard!"

"So I guess there's no wishing away global warming," you sighed, lifting your head. The ropes were more irritating today. The water made them heavier and the string stuck to your skin.

"Are there any?"

"Hmm?" Gandalf looked over you to Bilbo, who trotted at your right.

"Other wizards?"

"Of course," you replied, before Gandalf could. "There's Saruman the White-"

You stopped. It had been a minute since you'd lived this story. Why did Saruman put you off?

"And the two blue wizards, though I've quite forgotten their names," Gandalf said, humming. "Then the last of us, Radagast the Brown."

You turned another bend on the muddy path, and the rain was facing you now. The torrential downpour was biting your skin harshly any time the wind blew.

"Is he a great wizard?" Bilbo asked. You smiled as you recalled Radagast. He loved his animals. "Or is he... more like you, Gandalf?"

You tripped on a rock and received a chest full of mud. You stood, looking up at Bilbo until you were straight backed and eye level.

"They are all great wizards."

You left no room for argument, and you were sure it seemed ridiculous to make such a bold statement after falling face first on the ground.

Gandalf made a sound, and you looked over to see a slight hint of a smile on his face. Wether that was from you falling or your compliment, you weren't sure.


As evening fell, you found the old farmhouse. This scene, you remembered. Gandalf had stormed off in frustration as fast as Thorin denied moving closer to the Hidden Valley of the elves.

Suddenly, you were very nervous. What had happened at this farmhouse?

Nothing, you thought as you happily ate dinner with Bilbo's help. Bofur and Nori had managed to slip over while Kili and Fili were demanded to watch the ponies by Thorin.

"Why are you still traveling with us?" Nori asked, setting himself in the circle along with his soup. "Do you have a destination?"

"Gandalf told you I don't know how I got here," you said, pulling at the grass. "I think he wants me to stay. Something about the mark on my chest upsets him. Me too, actually. I don't like having a tattoo I didn't ask for."

Bilbo helped you with some more soup. His eyes lingered on the valley edge where Gandalf had rushed off too.

"He's been a long time."

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