About Bloody Time

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This takes place after season 3 of Once Upon A Time. This is just my version of what I want to happen.

EMMA'S POV(entire story will be from her pov)

"Regina! Regina wait I'm sorry I didn't know who she was, I was only wanting to save her life! If i had known who she was I, well I don't know but I couldn't just let her die. I'm so sorry Regina." I ran out of Granny's and followed her, I touched her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

"As much as i want to rip out your heart right now, I'm going to do my best not to." She pushed me away and wiped under her eyes. "Just because you brought back the ONE person that could ruin my chance at true love, doesn't mean I'm going to go back to my evil ways. I'm not a ticking time bomb like you all think. But just leave me alone okay! I know you didn't know any better. You don't have to worry about me spiraling off but just leave me alone." Regina started to cry and her knees gave out. I caught her and walked her over to a seat outside.

"Hey you know, you don't know that Robin will go back to her right? I mean he has fallen for you and has had yeeearrrs to get over Marian. You should talk to him. He's not the kind of man to just walk out of what he has with you Regina. Despite all you have done in the past, you are a good person now. I believe you can get the happy ending you deserve." I tried to comfort her as best I could, even though she claimed she wanted to be alone.

"Thanks, but I don't think he's going to leave her. I mean, if Neal came back to life, wouldn't you want to run into his arms? If my Daniel came back, really came back, i would run straight to him." She cried harder. "But the truth is, if I was with Robin and Daniel came back... I guess I wouldn't know what to do. I've spent so much of my life avenging Daniel's death and being such a bad person. I've only been good and been with Robin for long. But I've been so-- so happy this way. I wouldn't know what to do." Regina surprisingly rest her head on my shoulder.

"Robin is going to need time. Like you've just said, it's a hard thing to decide. I don't think you should be alone tonight. Why don't you stay with us tonight at Mary Margret's, you can stay in Henry's bed." I offered a light smile and put out my hand. Regina tried to smile and took it.

"I don't know, I doubt that be okay with everyone else." She tucked her hair behind her ears and looked down.

"Nonsense, we are a family. Remember?" I smiled at her, it was weird. Regina and I getting along like this. I'm still surprised she hasn't tried to murder me. Just as we were about to walk to the apartment I heard my name being called.

"Emma! Wait is everything okay?" It was Hook, well i guess he's more Killian Jones now. Henry was next to him with a worried look on his face.

"Sorry yeah, everything's fine," I didn't mean to come off so tense. "Henry can you walk back Reg- uhm your mom to Mary Marget's please? She's going to stay with us tonight in your room." Henry immediately smiled and ran to take Regina's hand.

"Yeah sure! Come on mom I'll show you some of my movies!" Regina smiled genuinely and mouthed a thank you to me as her and Henry walked off. I watched them go before I turned back around to face Killian.

He had a sad smile on his face. Oh no, we just kissed and it was real and, really passionate. He had told me that he traded the Jolly Rogger so he could come find me and Henry. And then I accidentally yelled at him, damn it Emma get it together.

"Killian I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sound so tense." I stepped a bit closer to him giving a reassuring smile.

"Not a problem love, I know you're just a tad stressed." He brushed a piece of my hair with his hook. I thought about what Regina said. About if Neal came back. I really don't know what I would do. I shuddered thinking about it and shook it off. I needed to focus on Killian.

"Look Killian, uhm about the kiss..I--" He cut me off from speaking.

"Dear god, you aren't seriously going to tell me that meant nothing to you and it was a one time thing are you? Because I KNOW that you feel something here. It can't just be me Emma." He started getting really worked up so this time I interrupted him. With a quick kiss on the cheek. That got him to shut up. He looked down at me with his glowing ocean eyes. A small grin swept across his face as he took a deep breath and put is hand and hook on my arms. I put my hands in the creases of his elbows while we stood there for a few seconds, just looking at each other.

"What i was going to say, about the kiss is that of course it means something to me. The one in Neverland did too. But Killian," I sighed. "I suppose you know by now that I'm horrible with the whole feelings thing. I-I know that you care about me, so much you changed back into Killian Jones and traded the Jolly Rogger. And don't get me wrong I care about you so so much, however if this thing we have is gonna go anywhere more then sexual tension and kissing twice, I'm going to need to take it slow..." It was hard for me to just say that much. Even though I really just wanted to jump his bones, and I know he obviously cares about me, I need to make absolutely certain he won't leave me. I don't think he will but I've been wrong many times in the past.

"Emma, sexual tension?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked. I couldn't help bust burst into a good laugh. He was good at making me do that. "All I want is to make you happy, and to be with you. If taking it slow is what you need then I'm more then happy to do that. I understand you've had hard times in the past, and you think that I might leave you. Because it's happened when you least expected it. I will do everything in my power to prove to you, I am in this for the long haul. I'm not going anywhere Emma Swan." Killian just read my thoughts. What the hell.

He chuckled making me look back up at him, "Somewhat of an open book." He said. I laughed again and smiled.

"I suppose I am, to you at least." He could always read me. It made me feel vulnerable but also a relief that I didn't have to completely explain myself.

Killian took a step closer to me. It all of a sudden got harder to breath. He made me feel like a little girl in high school that was nervous about having her first kiss. I think he could tell I was scared because he gave me a light smile a moved some of my hair off my shoulder. I looked up into his eyes and saw how kind they were. That's when I realized, even after giving up his ship, coming back for me and Henry, and saving our lives, in this exact moment I realized he was in love with me. I had always thought he had truly cared for me and that he might love me. But here in front of Granny's looking up at him, I knew. I smiled widely at him and got a tad teary eyed.

"What- what's wrong?" His face shifted looking concerned thinking I was upset. I shook my head and smiled. Nothing was wrong. He loved me. I knew it was going to be hard to let myself be open, but right now I didn't care. I only wanted to be with him.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just realizing how much I'm in love you." the words came pouring out of me. Killian's eyes started to glow as he smiled. His eyebrows stiffened trying hold back tears. He pulled me into him and kissed me warmly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, one hand tugging on his collar. After a few moments he pulled out of the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"It's about bloody time." His words making both of us laugh. I pecked him on the lips, my arms still around him. As much as I wanted to keep kissing him, I also wanted to just breath him in. So I jumped up a bit and held onto him with a long hug that made me feel safe. His arms around my back pulling me off the ground holding me tightly. He spun me around like the men do to their girl in the movies. We both new it was cliché and I couldn't help but laugh along with him. After so much time pushing him away, he never gave up. And now finally we both got what we wanted. Killian put me down in front of him, still holding me but so I could look into his eyes.

"What made you realize that you loved me?" He asked.

"Part of me had always known, but the other half of me was too afraid to think I could actually be happy. But now being back home, knowing everything is okay, I was finally able to be honest with myself. And honest with you." We smiled at each other. "I'm so sorry I've put you through so much, and pushing you away. Why didn't you give up? What made you believe I'd fall for you?" I was nervous to ask but I really wanted to know.

"Because I'm in love with you. Because in the moments we shared together, I knew you cared for me. And could even love me." He words sparkled into the air. In response to his words I pulled him in for another kiss.


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