Chapter 6

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Jennie POV

"why did you bring me out?" Taehyung asked me after he sat under the shadow given by the big willow tree. i looked at him wondering how he was able to do that "arent you sitting?" he asked and i looked at the grass and at my skirt "here" he said and he made me sit on his lap and covered my legs with his jacket. he made my heart flatter. 'ahh did he really do this? omg omg omg Jennie stop it stop it you cant blush or he will know' i kept thinking to myself.... "so was there something you wanted me to know"

"umm.." i studdered "yes.. um well i.. umm.. you see... well i know this isnt right or well the right time or whatever but.. um ..i "

"i like you too Jennie" he suddenly said knowing what i was going to say. we stared at each others eyes. i felt my cheeks turning red as a tomato. he leaned in closer and we were only inches away and we got interrupted by a very familier voice. Taehyung made an annoyed face at me knowing who was calling me. i grabbed his cheek and smiled letting him know it was okay.

"Jennie?" Hanbin called me again

"Yes" i said turning to him but still sitting on Taehyungs lap. i could see he didnt look to happy at the sight but i could care less what people thought. all i cared was that unnie and my parent were okay and thats all i needed.

"Teacher kim asked for you to come" he said in a quite upsetting tone. i felt Taehyung flinch at his tone but i grabbed his shoulder quicky to calm him down. and he gave me a 'really' look and i gave him a smile that said 'dont worry' and he stood there still.

I got up with Taehyungs help and he grabbed my hand before i walked off with Hanbin and he kissed me. i knew i shouldnt have returned the kiss but i couldnt resist it either, this that i was feeling i had never felt for no one else. also i knew Taehyung wanted Hanbin to know that he had to back off and in a way so did i. we walked to the classroom and he let me in first. i walked in looking for Teacher kim but she was no where to be found. i turned to face Hanbin and he was already behind me. he was too close and i didnt like it. i told him to move aside so i could leave but he refused. i pushed him out of the way but he caught my hand and pulled closer to him. that moment i was scared. never in my life had i been scared of anything or anyone but he was able to bring that out of me this moment.

"what are you doing" I said trying to get loose but his grip only tightened. "let go!" i told him. i pushed him away but it didnt help. the more i tried the harder it was. i could scream even if i wanted, its like if i was paralized or something. "let go, let go, let go" was all i could manage to say

"what you dont like it?" he suddenly said and i looked at him. he had changed, it had only been a two weeks since he had asked me out and i had rejected him. ever since then he had changed with me. he became distant and rude sometimes, he would look at me weird. "you let Taehyung get close to you and kiss you but you wont let me?" he said i couldnt believe my ears did he really just say that who does he take me for? "or what you going to tell me you didnt know Taehyung is dating someone already?"

"what? "

"ohh you heard me. i guess you really didnt know! wow he really is good at hiding secret and his friend are really good at keeping them too.." i didnt believe what he was saying.

"let go i said." i told him once again and this time he leaned in to kiss me. i tried to fight back but i couldnt, he held me very tightly but i still tried to push him away. i felt my back hit the wall and his body pressing on me. i was stuck in between him and the wall. suddenly i felt him release me or so i thought. i was pulled from me by Taehyung. at that moment i was so happy he had followed me.

"SHE SAID LET GO" Taehyung yelled and punch Hanbin on the face. Hanbin fell on the ground but he got up ride away, he wasnt angry nor happy. he was laughing and that made Taehyung even more angry. Taehyung grabbed him by his collar, i could hold back my tears all of this was too much for me. i didnt know what i had done wrong and why Hanbin was acting like this but i could see why Taehyung had reacted that why. Taehyung was ready to punch Hanbin again but someone grabbed his hand.

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