Chapter 8

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As he wiped my tears aways I noticed just how much he truly loves me and i how understanding i had to be. He cant say 'i love you' to me not cuz he doesnt want to but because......


No one's POV

Jisoo woke up earlier then usual she couldnt really sleep that night thinking of what had happened with yoongi. She got up to check up on Jennie after the inccedent from school. Jennie seemed fine to Jisoos eye. Jisso stepped outside her room window into the valcony and began staring up at the sky. The sky was beautiful that night and she felt some how emotional. Yoongi was all she could think of at that moment. She felt nothing but regret for what she had said but she was soon to be married off to someone else.

(Jisoo remembering)

"Jisoo, Darling come here for a second could you?" my mother called me into the living room. I saw my father and her sitting on the couch waiting. I had a bad feeling about it as soon as I sat them sitting together. They only sit like that when something serious is about to be said and by the looks of it, it was about be. I was the topic today. I took a seat across from them and waited patiently for them to speak.

"yes?" I said as i began to feel uncomfortable.

"There is something your father wants to tell you." my mother said. She would do that whenever the topic was something she couldnt talk about herself. She would pass the blaim on dad. Dads shocked face said it all. I wasnt going to like this.

"Well you see...." he paused "ummm.."

"You're getting married after you graduate" My mother told knowing dad could find the words to say it. I looked at both of them and laughed so hard that it caused Jennie and the girl to come out of my room. Jennie sat next to me and the girl stood behind us. All three curious to why was i laughing like a crazy person.

"Whats up?" Jennie asked looking at me and then at our parents.

"They did a bad joke" I told them still laughing.

"Jisoo, darling" My mother said and i stopped laughing. I didnt like the tone of her voice when she said my name.

"WHAT!" I yelled getting up from my seat and staring at both of them. "YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT!?!?!!?" I said and waited for a response but they just looked at each other and back at me "NO!" I protested "NO! no no no no no. NO!"

"Jisoo, listen we...."

"No!" i cut them off " I said no and no means no. You cant make me. You cant force me. I wont let you do this!"

"Whats going on?" Jennie asked

"Well you see here. Our parents had the great idea of marrying me off to god knows who!" I said very angry " Are you out of your mind?! You must be crazy thinking i would let you two do something like this. This is fucking stupid. Fuck this no i will not! You are both seriously cra...."

The room when silent after that. Jennie, Lisa, Rose gasped and i stood there in shock.

"Mom!" Jennie said in an higher then usual tone.

I turned to my mom still in shock, emberrassed, and angry. She slapped me. No once had she ever raised her hand on either of us. So i knew i had messed up but i was too angry to care. " I. Hate. You. " i said not thinking twice to what just had come out of my mind. I turned to dad and said " Both. " I walked to my room, i could here my mom calling my name but i didnt listen. I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with clothes, grabbed my shoes and not caring i put them on, got my phone and dailed the first number that was there. For my luck it was Yoongi's number. Fuck i cursed myself, but it was already calling so I let it. It ringed 3 times and i was about to hang up when I suddenly heard his voice.

"Hello?" he said "Who is this?" he asked but there was silence. " Look if you arent going to answer then ill hang up" He said and i was going to let him but Jennie came in yelling my name out loud. "Jisoo?" He asked "Wait Jisoo dont hang up. Is something wrong? Why you call me? Where are you? Ill come there." he continued his endless questions.

"Pick me up, im home." i said and hanged up right after.

"Who was that Jisoo? who is picked you up?" Rose asked but i didnt reply and picked up the bag i had prepared and walked out of my room.

"Jisoo wait" my mother tried stopping me but i passed right by her ignoring her and my father. I could hear Lisa telling my parents to give me time and they agreed. Jennie followed after me and so did Rose and after a bit Lisa. I waited outside for less then 2 mintunes but they felt like years to me. And there he was. He arrived on his motorcycle, he looked at my legs. I was wearing a short skirt, i walked to him and he got off. He took off his jacket and placed it on the front of my legs tying it on my back. He got on and handed me a helmet and with that we drove off. Leaving Jennie, Lisa and Rose behind.


Yoongi's POV

I was shocked to get Jisoos call. How did she even get my number? why would she called me? of all people me? There were alot of questions going through my mind at that moment, but most importantly my concern was her.

I arrived at her house as soon as i could. Skipping the lights, knowing i would probably get a ticket or get into an accident. I cared not, i care only for Jisoo who was in need of me. Once i was there i saw Jisoo with a bag hanging from her side. I saw how Jennie mugged me while Lisa and Rose looked at me surprised but i knew they knew why i was there. I got off from my bike to help Jisoo and i noticed she had a short skirt on. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her, tying it on the back of her. I got on and she followed after and with that we drove off.

We stopped at a park that my mother used to take me when i was little. It was a precious place for me, i wasnt sure why i had brought her there but i did. In a way i wanted her to smile just like my mother did when i was younger. My mother knew this was the place to make me happy which was the reason why this place meant alot to me. I turned to Jisoo and I saw how relaxed she looked sitting on the swing with her eyes closed, just letting the air hit her face. Wow she really did look beautiful. The way the air hit her face was so refreshing and relaxing meven for me. And the way her hair would flow with the air made it even perfect. Can a person be so perfect was all i thought when i looked at her.

"You're staring" she said and i quickly looked away "Why did you come?"

"Why did you call?" I returned the question.

"Fair enough." she said and there was a moment of silence when suddenly " You know i dont hate you right?" she asked

"hahahahah" i laughed " what is this? sudden confession time?"

"no i just wanted you to know" she said " I know there have been some differences but that doesnt mean i hate you"

" Obviously you dont."

" Hmm?"

" Well if you really hated me, you wouldnt of called right?"

" Umm for your knowledge, you werent who i wanted to call. I just pressed your number by accident" she said in her defense

"Ohhh okay... Then... Bye." i said and began walking away but she stopped me

"NO! Wait. Can you just stay please. I dont want to be alone." she said and that made me happy. Even if she called my accidently, she still wanted me to stay and keep her company. That made me happy.

"So.... How did you get my number?"

She looked at me so shocked I asked. I could see she wasnt expecting that and she didnt know how to answer.

"Umm.. Well when we all exchanged numbers the first day Jin oppa gave me yours too."

"He did what?" I was surprised Hyung did such a thing. I mean him passing up on a apportunity to get a pretty girl wow that was new.

"He said I would one day need it." she paused for a second and we turned to look at each other "And i guess he was right." She smiled at me. Damn her smile, it could melt the North Pole. I smiled back and she hit my fore arm lightly.

I stood up and put my hands on my pockets " Well .... "

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