Chapter 21

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~ Jisoo's POV ~

"Guys im going to be a father" He yelled at the two walking bodies in front who suddenly stopped with shock written all over their faces.

I swore I would murder him after this and I will make him suffer for telling them. For one I didnt even know. All I know is what two people have told me which wasnt much and they werent doctors either so they wouldnt really know either. I still had to get checked by a doctor. Which I will do probably tomorrow after getting a long rest. I still havent rested since we arrived from Paris.

Jennie and Taehyung were silent all the way home. Taehyung got dropped off first since he would be staying at Yoongi's apartment in the mean time. Jennie being second, she was going to stay home with our parents. As for I, I was going back to my apartment with Yoongi and we would pick up my thing from my parents house some time tomorrow.

I made Jennie and Taehyung swear they wouldnt speak of this to anyone, specially not our parent nor Yoongi's father. If they found out it would all be a mess. The wedding would be pushed forward. Their would be more presure. More stress not one for me but clearly for our mother, why? dont ask me but believe me she would have it big time. Pff as if it was her wedding.

At the apartment I quickly headed to my room to change I was tired and I needed something comfortable to wear. As I changed I heard Yoongi in the kitchen maybe he was hungry. But as I remembered there was no food. So I went of my room semi changed. I was wearing my panties and a t-shirt the happened to be his.

"There is no food." I told him "Want me to make you something?" I asked him. He shooked his head and turned to me. He stopped and stared directly at me. His eyes went up and down my body. Of course I was practically naked, well semi naked.

"N-no its okay. Im not hungry" He said but I knew he was lying. I knew when Yoongi lied. I approached him and moved him away from the refrigerator. I took out some ingredient and made him Fried Rice. Once it was done I pulled him to the couch and sat next to him and fed him. "I can eat on my own " he told me but I ignored him.

I knew he was shocked still. First our weird make up way. Second the whole me being pregnant or not. And lastly what I was wearing. He was surely in shock of all. Beside I liked him like this, he looked cute and I could treat him how ever I wanted and he would argue with me.

I fed him until he finished his food and he looked to full from all I forced him to eat. He was groaning in pain I felt bad for forcing him to eat it all. I went to the bath room and came back with an oil my mother had bought me from Paris. She said since I had been eating too much those day this would help me digest all the food.

The only problem was that I knew Yoongi would want to take it. I wouldnt take it myself I have tried it before and believe me when I say its not something you want to try at all. It wasnt something to make your taste buds fill with colors and rainbows. It tasted like if you were dying and believe me too you would rather die then drink this.

I poured it in a cup and prepared it how my mother told me it had to be done. One tablespoon of it, one tablespoon of yellow lemon, one tablespoon of honey and of course one cup of water. It didnt look tasty either but I needed him to drink it or else he would be with stomach pain all night and he would be moody too.

I headed to the living room where he layed down in the couch face up, the back of his hand in resting on his forehead. Yep, he already had stomach pain. Well then its now or never.

"Yoongi sit up" I told him and he did what I said. "Here" I said handing him the cup of the mix I had made. He looked at me weird as if asking what it was but I only pushed the cup closer to his mouth signaling him to drink it. He did, at least tasted it before making a face. I couldnt help but laugh at the funny face he had just made. Then I wondered if I had made such a face too the first time I drinked it.

"What the hell is this?" he said a bit angry still feeling the taste in his mouth. "Are you trying to poisen me so you wont marry me now?" He said and I laughed, pabo Yoongi. He was mad though but he looked so cute I couldnt resist laughing.

"Just drink it please" I told him once again putting the cup close to his mouth. He began to drink it without breaking eye contact with me. His eye were intense it was making feel lust so suddenly. This had never happened before at least not by him just making eye contact.

He finish drinking. I smiled at him telling him he did good while patting his back in comfort to the horrible thing I made him drink. "Should I help you with the taste" I told him and he nodded with a smirk on his face. I leaned over to sit on his lap and moved my hands to the back of his neck slowly.

I was being slow about my every move. I wanted him to feel the same lust I was feeling and I think it worked because he began doing the same. His hands slowly made its way to my waist getting a hold of me. We didnt break eye contact, as I began to rock myself on him making him feel everything. I reached for his lips and kissed him slowly yet passionatly.

His hand went up to the back of my neck pulling closer if possible. He got a grip of my hair pulling it lightly. I kept my movements going making his feel it. I missed him. I missed his kisses. I missed everything that was Yoongi. MY Yoongi.

He picked me up and carried me to my room, or should I say our room. 

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