Chapter 2

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Hello my beasties, it is time for another chapter of my Princess and the frog story! In this little chapter, the story will really get set into place......
(Also, there will be my first attempt to write a song, sorry if it's bad.)

"We've told you a million times before not to do things like this, but I guess if you haven't listened to us before, god knows you would start now!"

Cecily inwardly groaned. She was back at home currently getting chewed out by her mom who had immediately dragged her out of the restaurant and called her dad, and here they were now, with Cecily being chewed out for using her powers.

Never mind the fact that she was trying to help......

"What was I supposed to do? Let those people continue to disrespect our family like that?" Cecily shot back, nails digging into the fabric of the chair as she tried to not blow up in anger anymore than she already was.

Her shadow, was thankfully dormant right now, due to it's hatred of conflict.

Cecily's dad sighed then spoke up. "We could have reported them to the police, they could have taken care of them, it's their job after all, and we have polices for things like this." He didn't say it, but Cecily immedietley knew what he was trying to imply.

"You're saying I should have done nothing?" Now she was unable to keep the ice from entering her voice.

Her father looked surprised and tried to speak, but her mother cut him off. "Yes, that's exactly what we're saying Cecily. When are you going to learn to control yourself? And not only that, you deliberately humiliated those people!"

Cecily gaped in shock. "You're the one who's always told me to honor my family, why are you being such a hypocrite? Great-Grandma Tia would have respected me for what I did."

Her last words seemed to sting her mother like a slap. Then, she spoke, her voice hard and cold as a stone. "What would you know about honor or respect? Just look at you."

Cecily's eyes prickled with tears and she willed herself not to cry. Her mom had gotten angry at her before, but never like this. Cecily's dad even had a look on his face like his wife had gone to far.

"Doreen..." He started, but she waved his hand away.

It took a moment before her mother began to speak, the anger almost drained out of her, leaving her more sad. "It's best if you found another place to live for them time being."

Cecily could not believe her ears. "What?" She said, daring not believe what she had just heard. "You're kicking me out?"

Her mother couldn't seem to meet her eyes. "It's only for the time being, you're nineteen now, most girls are living on their own at this age, and you can come back when you've learned some respect and are ready to be...." She trailed off, but Cecily had known what she was going to say.

"Normal? Like you? That's the word you were looking for wasn't it?" She stood up, hand clenched in fists at her sides. "I will never be like you." She choked back a sob, and her mother came to try and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Cecily stopped her and practically spat the last few words at her mother.

"I'd rather die than be like you." She turned around, and walked out of the room, not turning around to see the reactions of her parents. Why should she? She couldn't care less, she tried to tell herself, they wanted to do this to you.

As she walked, she felt her shadow come to life behind her and try to give her a comforting pat on the back, but Cecily wasn't in the mood.

She stood in the hall for a moment, letting the tears fall.

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