Chapter 4

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Hello Beasties, I'm back with a new chapter of this little story!(Seems like ages doesn't it?) Anyway, I think it's about time that the Shadowman entered into this story, don't you? (besides, I've been waiting forever to put him in, so why not?)

(Oh, one more thing, play this song during the first part of the chapter, but only when I cue you to. Just do it, trust me.) Anyway, enjoy the chapter beasties......

"Okay, how's this?" Cecily modeled her third outfit choice of the past thirty minutes in front of the full length mirror in her new apartment( black frame, with a bunch of curious symbols scratched across the faded wood of the mirror. Just another one of the extremely weird personal touches that this place seemed to have(from whoever had previously inhabited this place), other than the collection of voodoo masks downstairs that seemed to be watching her.....), more than a little impatient to get going already.  If only her shadow could just be happy with whatever outfit Cecily chose, they'd be out the door already(this was definitely the LAST time she asked her shadow for any input on what she wore.....), because if anything had come to her attention over the past three days,  Cecily really needed to make some cash, and soon....

Her recent lack of funds(she was already down to her last fifty bucks)  may have been the result of her just a teeny bit frivolous with her money. First, there had been some things she ended up buying, mainly because the apartment seemed to be stuck in the freaking 1920's(like the minifridge she ended up purchasing because the other fridge in the apartment lacked a freezer inside(seriously, was everything in here from the 1920's?), and a couple more frivolous things(mainly some new stuff for her place, and a better power cord for her laptop(no tv, but at least she'd be able to watch obscure horror films and Wander Over Yonder on Netflix) ) even if it was amazing, it still had some issues (the weird masks on the walls that seemed to be watching her, the fact that this place seemed eerily preserved from the ravages of time, and the fact that there was evidence that there'd been someone living here before she'd found this place(clothes still in the single bedroom's , the weird symbols carved into the mirrors) but due to the fact she'd been so busy with transforming the abandoned, if somewhat creepy apartment into something more livable, she'd barely given any of those things a second though....)

Her shadow seemed deep in thought, winding its insubstansual body around hers(Cecily was used to the tickly, slightly itchy feeling that happened when she felt her shadow moving by now, so it wasn't that much of a surprise anymore when it happened) looking over her dress and cream-colored jacket, making Cecily mentally sigh. Couldn't her shadow just be happy with what she chose already? It was really beginning to get on her nerves, especially after she'd already had to change her outfit three times...... (Cecily had already mentally decided that this was the LAST time that she let her shadow have any say in her outfits. Definetly the last.)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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