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I shower with the showers,

I am cleansed by the rains,

I fear not what pours of clouds,

For only new beginnings are gained--

New beginnings not yet stained,

And so I aim to foresee the forecast,

And present my mind to thunder,

My aura to lightning,

My heartache to hail,

Hardships to the the hurricane.

Rain, cruel waters, rain,

Or do we stand naked in vain?

Only clothed in the ashiness of yesterday's pains?

Beginning to realize nothing will change?

Well, Change is inevitable,

Adaptation is so beautiful,

Through your showers I evolve,

And this evolution will no more be excusable.

Unapologetically the flowers grow because of the storm.

Galactic Equator: A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now