|Two| Broke |

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"So I got us both rebooked for the three pm flight tomorrow," Ethan told me as he walked back over to the seats where I sat watching our bags.
"Alright, thank you." I smiled at him and sipped my coffee.
"You should probably call whoever was picking you up and tell them what's going on," Ethan told me as he started dialing a number into his phone.
"Nobody's picking me up. I'm getting a cab." I told him. He nodded.
"Hey, so my flights canceled." Ethan started talking to whoever was on the line. "Three pm." He added. "Fuck, ok I'll catch a cab. Yeah, it's no problem. See you tomorrow, Tyler." Ethan sighed and hung up.

"Your ride ditch you?" I asked with a laugh.
"Yup, he's busy, I guess I'm getting a cab as well." Ethan shrugged and sat down.
"Speaking of cabs, I'm going to need to take one back to the hotel." Ethan started talking to himself as he scrolled through his phone. That reminded me that I'd need to as well. I pulled out my purse and scanned through my wallet to see how much money I had.
"Oh fuck...You've got to be kidding..." I started to panic when I realized I only had a hundred and fifty dollars left. Normally it would be not problem because cards exist, but little broke me has three dollars currently in the bank.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed and felt tears of frustration forming in my eyes. That was probably not enough money to pay for a cab and a hotel, plus if I even wanted to eat. That money was going to be for a taxi home, and that's it. I found myself starting to walking in circles, stressing out.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Ethan asked as I was pacing back and forth, trying to calculate costs. He stepped in front of me and put his hands on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I shimmied out of his light grasp,
"I'm fucking broke!" I exclaimed and threw my hands up before plopping down onto the seat. "The only money I have left is for the cab tomorrow!"

"You don't have credit or anything?" Ethan questioned. I sighed,
"When I say I'm broke...I'm fucking broke," Ethan didn't respond and shuffled through his bag.
"Shit...I spent that with Andrew last night didn't I..." He mumbled. I looked up at him as he ran his hand through brown hair. He turned around and looked at me while tugging on his lip stressfully. I sank even lower,
"Don't tell me you're broke too! Don't you have a card?" I already knew his response by the look on his face.

"I lost my card the other day at the bar and had to cancel it, but I got enough for a hotel...I think." He said unsure and held up two, hundred dollar bills. I don't know what type of expensive ass hotels he's staying at, but that would be enough for him to get a hotel, a cab there and back, plus dinner.

"I only have one-fifty. I'm fucked," I groaned and wiped away tears of stress. The last resort would be spending the night in the airport which I was not down for. You're so vulnerable when sleeping in public. Someone could steal your bags or hell they could spike something of yours with some weird drug. Just thinking of that made me shudder. I sniffled and wiped my eyes before getting up. "I'm going to the washroom...I guess you'll be leaving so see ya," I mumbled and walked away. I wasn't too sure if he heard me or not, but I didn't turn back around.

While I was in the bathroom, I fixed my hair a bit. I adjusted my black leather jacket over my white tee. As I washed my hands, I scanned myself over in the mirror. I looked as if I had been run over by a truck then tossed down the Grand Canyon.
"Long day?" A woman with ruby red hair and a strong Scottish accent asked from beside me as she washed her hands.
"Flight got canceled." I laughed to try and lighten my mood.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Sweetie," She gave me a sympathetic frown and opened a little blue pill bottle. I watched as she shook a few small tablets into her mouth.

She caught my gaze and laughed before offering me the pills. "Ya seem a bit stressed, these calm ya down. Try one." She pushed. I scrunched up my face, unsure of what to say to her. "Come on dear, no harm." She tried to hand me two, but I pushed past her and quickly walked out. In my frantic rush to get out of there, I slammed right into the back of a random guy. "Tiger? You're still here eh?" I noticed the voice immediately. It was the same man I had faked giving my number. He was almost a foot taller than my 5.7 self, even in my heeled boots.

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