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Swan was a lot more demanding than I thought she would be. I found it really hard to get rest these days when she refused to take a bottle. Jake always looked so guilty when she wasn't crying because of a diaper change. I spent a lot of time trying to get back some sleep during the day though. I was feeling better and better as the days went on. I was always up for visits and was happy to introduce my daughter to all of our family. Our cousins from Denali would come to visit in a month and I was so excited to see if Eleazar would be able to tell if Swan had a gift or not.

Anthony adjusted nicely to his little sister. He still kept calling Swan baby but he'd get the hang of it soon. He liked trying to teach her new things like how to count in English and Spanish, the letters of the alphabet, anything he could think of. I think she liked hearing him talk, she'd just stare up at him with those pretty blue eyes.

Jacob had been trying really hard to keep the house clean but he as definitely struggling just a little bit. I appreciated his effort though. I couldn't wait to until I could find the time to mop the kitchen and clean the windows. Soon it would start to warm up and we could start building our pool. Jake and I had plenty of fun sitting with Nanna choosing the tile, the fountain, everything we'd include in it. Daddy and my uncles would help Jacob build it, it would be done in no time.

I just finished nursing Swan. I was so sleepy it was unreal but I had to get up today and get the day started. Jake had to go back to work today much to both of our dismay, but my parents were coming by to help out. Jake was still in the shower, he woke up a little late. I changed Swan into one of the cute onesies Aunt Alice had bought for her, it had little golden stars all over it. She looked so darling in it, I could burst! I held my baby in one arm and walked down the stairs, Anthony was still asleep but he'd be up soon so I should get started on breakfast.

Swan was falling asleep again so I put her in her baby swing and turned the setting on low before I went into the fridge and cut a square of leftover enchiladas out for Jake and put it his Tubberware bowl. I also threw in an apple and a few water bottles into his lunch bag and tied it off. Now for breakfast... I could throw those French toast sticks in the oven for Anthony, he's been loving that lately. I'll just boil a little bit of water to warm up his syrup. For me, I'll just stick to the last of my blood supply.

Jake half ran down the stairs and grabbed a banana. He leaned down to kiss our sleeping daughter and crossed the room to wrap me up in his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you today," he sighed.

"You'll see me in a few hours, sweetie," I smiled and pressed his lips to mine.

I made it last a little longer than I needed to but I just wanted to be close to him. It was a little hard to find some spare time with our two kids needing us. He pulled away and kissed my forehead for good measure and I handed him his lunch bag and waved as he walked out the door. Thank goodness Jake went down to part-time, I hated long days. I always wanted him home with the kids and me, snuggled up on our big couch.

While Anthony's breakfast got ready, I picked up around the house and got a load of laundry in the wash. I heard Anthony wake up and I got his french toast sticks out of the oven and started to warm up his syrup. He came down the stairs and looked over at Swan before sitting at his little table.

"Good morning, Anthony," I said.

"Morning, Mommy. Is that french toast?" he asked me.

"Mmmhmm, I made it just for you," I placed a few on his plate and squeezed some syrup right next to it.

"Thank you!" 

"You're very welcome!" I laughed, "Grandpa and Grandma are gonna come to play with you today while Daddy is at work."

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now